....[in part]....
My point is, this just goes to show you the extreme lengths some people will go to in order to try to prove themselves correct in this AA/FS saga, even coming up with theories that don't come close to reality in anyone's wildest dreams. So please be careful of what you read here, even if it comes from someone who seems to be a credible source... Sad, but true.
Here we are trying to clearify a point and we're being attacked....
Yes, I place myself with Penny, Michael and others who still are not convinced that AA and FS are the same person.
Just go over and look at the threads of the Differences between AA and FS which has evidence that there are differences and then go and look at the thread with the Similarities between AA and FS and there is hardly anything that is the same accept a similar look from one photo of FS and other a few of AA.
Both of those threads eliminate the DNA question. And if FS and AA are the same person than one would think the Similarity thread would overwhelm the thread on Differences, but, it doesn't.
I for one think that the DNA testing as well as all the other evidence should take us to the same point that AA and FS are the same person, so, why doesn't it? Are we missing something important? If we are, what is it?
When I discovered there wasn't a birth certificate for Gertrude Ellrick, I stepped back and viewed what everyone had been saying from a different angle.
At this time, without a birth or baptismal certificate, we do not know if Gertrude and FS had the same mother. If we do not know this important fact then we can not prove FS and Gertrude had the same mtDNA.
Yes, we can assume that Gertrude and FS had the same mother since they were both raised in Anton Schanzkowska's home as sisters.
However, during my 30 years of doing family history, it has not been unsual to find a thought-to-be-a-sibling not a sibling. Nor was it unsual for the person, who had been raised in a family, not know they were not a sister or a brother to the other children being raised in the same household.
How was this possible? One has to understand that death was common place when there wasn't any miracle drugs. Entire familes died from the flu or typoid..... If a child managed to survive it was usually taken in by an old sister or brother OR and aunt or uncle..... Sometimes a friend's family .... Sometimes by someone who had just lost their own baby and had plenty of breast milk to care for a baby....
No, it's no unsual for one child out of ten to not be recorded, however, if the family is religious, then there is usually found a certificate of baptism.
Penny and others have sent in researchers to find Gertrud's information. They have found the other children's records of Anton Schanzkowska but not Gertrud's.
Unfortunately, all we have of mtDNA are from Gertrud's desc. .
Let me, again, say, I have no agenda. I have thought AA and FS were the same person. But, I'm not ready to close this case because at this time, my thoughts are still open and I'm still willing to study this theory that AA and FS might not be the same person.
Just because I haven't reached the same conclusion as Helen and others who take mtDNA and close their eyes to other evidence and make assumptions about Gertrud's mother, doesn't make me a wild extremist. I think my hestitation is genuine and I see no reason I need to make up my mind today or tomorrow. Heck, I've been doing research on this family since the 1950s and a few more days or months or years isn't a big deal.
So, let's get back to Dr. Ginther's tests because that is why this thread was created.