This is the weirdest story about a pretender I even read...
The source of this story is internet, in a Spanish site, in Spanish language. I'm lucky to have print the whole story, for the site ( is no more online. I wanted to enter to it, and it's said it was "Forbidden".
The article about this new Tatiana was written by Eleazar Romanov, who claimed that he was Tatiana's the Tsar grandson. ou may email Eleazar to
This guy claims that he picked all the story by her mother's diary written by her in Ekaterinburg , Afghanistan, Syria and India. In this diary, Tatiana said that asher parents thought she was the most intelligent of the girls, the more who may take care of herself if she managed to escape. So, they give her some documents that she sewed in her corset, along with her family jewels. Nicholas and Alexandra had many talks with her to know what Tatiana must do if her family was killed. When the massacre happened, Tatiana was shot but she didn't death, and of course she feint to be. The bolsheviks put her in the truck along with the rest of the family. She claimed she could feel the corpses under her. She whispered some words to them but she understood that they were all dead, so she jumped out the truck and run into the woods. She fell many times, but she keep on running and running. When she supposed to be very far of the truck, she lost conscience...And guess what? A "nice guy" rescued her. It was a muslim cosack, who keep Tatiana with his people, nomad muslims like him, and very devoted to the Tsar (he had been in his personal Guard). Tatiana was all covered by blood and badly wounded.She was feverish and called her family in shouts.They travelled all togheter to the South. The "nice guy" was killed in Tashkent, where Tatiana lived for a while. After some onths, she went to live as a normal muslim woman in Kabul, Syria and finally India. In some years, she passed to France, near Toulon and claimed to be helped by Emir Faisal, who would be soon, the king of Irak. She took the fake name "Tatiana Romani".
The whole story is very confusing and obscure. This Tatia Romani speaks about Rasputin saying he was a "Saint" and claiming that he had predicted that the Holy Russia and the muslim world would work along as great friends...Eleazar Romanov said his mother's diary starts in May Ekaterinburg and ends in Kabul in 1919. He read it for the first time in 1936. Her mother told him the rest of the story. "Tatiana" never claimed in public who she was...and again...NO PICS.
