I've officially "de-lurked" now and am enjoying posting messages to the boards. I've been in love with this site for some time, but have never had the "gumption" (as we say in Kentucky) to post.
Anyway, my story begins in 1972, shortly after my parents went to see Nicholas & Alexandra at the local movie theater (I was out of town on a school field trip -- I was 11 at the time!). My mom loved it and said, "I've GOT to take you to see this wonderful movie about the last King & Queen (!) of Russia." It sounded positively BORING (although I was a big fan of history -- just not Russia!).
Well, time got away from us and the movie left the theaters. A few years (?) later, "Nicholas & Alexandra" showed up on the "Movie of the Week" (on ABC/CBS?) -- in two parts -- and mom says, again, to me, "Oh, here is that wonderful movie. You're going to HAVE to watch it, BUT I won't tell you the ending!"
So we sat down on two consecutive evenings and watched it and I was HOOKED. Had my Mom take me out the next day and buy me Massie's "N & A" and read it cover to cover in a few sittings (and then read it again and again). (My mom continues to tell friends to this day that I'm probably the only one with EVERY edition since I've worn the covers off of all of them -- that is, except the first edition hardback!).
So, that's my intro. After reading N&A, I started in on other Russian books about the family ("The File on the Tsar" came out around that time, plus "Shadow of the Winter Palace" which I didn't care for - very derogatory toward N&A I thought), plus a lot of picture books (Lyons' "Nicholas II: The Last Tsar").
Not thinking there was much use (or $$) out there for a Russian history professor, I eventually got my legal assistant degree to make a living. BUT, after a few years, I wanted to go back and get a degree in SOMETHING, so I went to the local University (of Louisville) and got my degree (in "Soviet Area Studies" -- now it's Russian studies). Took some FABULOUS classes -- Russian lit, Russian Revolutions, Early Russian History, etc.
Oh, and I got to hear Massie speak when he was in Louisville for some event and finally figured out that I had been mispronouncing Rasputin's name for the last 20+ years (it's like Vladimir Putin, but with the Rass in front of it -- hence, Ras -- poo -- tin). Small piece of trivia -- RKM was born and raised in Lexington, KY, which is "down the street" (well, an hour's drive) from where I live!
Also, I met Suzanne Massie a few years after that -- she was at a book signing at a local bookstore and we spoke for TOO long (her daughter and son-in-law lived nearby and I got to meet them too!). What a classy lady -- she signed all of my books (her's and N&A). A bit of trivia -- she said that when she and her (now) ex, RM, wrote N&A -- they were going to have BOTH of their names on it, but thought it looked better with just his (she said, laughingly, "We didn't want to have TOO many couples' names on the cover - Nicholas & Alexandra and Robert & Suzanne. People might have gotten mixed up!).
She's just a GREAT lady (and my two cents worth here, but I thought that RKM's other books after N&A weren't NEARLY as good as his work with Suzanne. Compare the writing style in N&A with RKM's and SM's other books and you can see that Suzanne has the stronger "voice" of the two in N&A.
Okay, I'll stop babbling.