Oh, you’re very welcome, Annie! I really like your drawing, too, and you made me laugh about it! Olga would like to have it so much that she might snatch it from you ;-)
Olga Nikolaevna to Pyotr Petrov
29 January 1918 - Tobolsk
Good morning dear old Peter V. !
I’m very grateful for your very long letter. Of course, I remember our first lesson, but not the sixth. All of us are healthy. We walk much and go for a slide on the ice mountains, etc. We still live together but are not allowed to go to church anymore. At Obednitsa, we must be at home. I don’t read anything special these days. I love Chekhov very much that I learned wholeheartedly the play “Bear”. I will talk about that book with Trina. Perhaps…I will learn something more from her. I apologise for my handwriting and the disgusting paper. Greetings to all and to you even more. Keep safe.
Your old pupil,