Olga Nikolaevna to Zinaida Sergïévna Tolstoy, born Bekhteeff
February 27, 1918
Dear Zinotchka, we have just received your letter dated January 8 containing small leaves and for that I thank you very much. These days, I responded to your letter of January 20th. Thank God we are all healthy. Today, it is cold and windy but the sun shines and warms us almost everyday, which is great. We are busy cutting and sawing wood and we make lots of it because in spring it is hard to find wood for firewood. The birch wood is of good quality. However, nothing has changed. We regret a lot for not having received the three parcels. Will R. receive letters from K. Kiev? Kiss her for me and ask her if she already received my two long letters. I will write to Dalia (Nathalia Tolstoy) again. For now, I kiss her and thank her for the letter of January 1st. I wish you much happiness and thank you again for your good wishes. We send our greetings to you all. I embrace you tightly, dear Zinotchka.