Author Topic: Olga's Letters  (Read 156248 times)

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Offline Laura Mabee

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Re: Olga's Letters
« Reply #255 on: November 24, 2015, 11:03:02 AM »
Good day all!
I am curious if we managed to research more out of Olga's quote. Has anyone had a chance to get their hands on Princess Dolgoruky's memoirs? I have sent Hoover an email this morning asking for the cost to digitize the work.

Inok Nikolai> Have you had any further findings with Olga's quote? I am trying to track down the origin of the quote. It seems you've done a wonderful job with your research already, I thought I might pass you a line and see if you've found anything further? I will see if I can find a copy of the 1993 Royalty Digest.


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Re: Olga's Letters
« Reply #256 on: November 24, 2015, 11:21:13 AM »
Вот эти мемуары очень хотелось бы почитать, может ли кто-нибудь их оцифровать?
These memoirs would love read, can anyone digitize them?

Offline Inok Nikolai

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Re: Olga's Letters
« Reply #257 on: November 25, 2015, 09:30:25 AM »
Good day all!
I am curious if we managed to research more out of Olga's quote. Has anyone had a chance to get their hands on Princess Dolgoruky's memoirs? I have sent Hoover an email this morning asking for the cost to digitize the work.

Inok Nikolai> Have you had any further findings with Olga's quote? I am trying to track down the origin of the quote. It seems you've done a wonderful job with your research already, I thought I might pass you a line and see if you've found anything further? I will see if I can find a copy of the 1993 Royalty Digest.

I have not found out anything more on the G. D. Olga quote, but it seems that the most important part of that mystery has been solved, no?

And thank you for the offer, but I have already seen the 1993 Royalty Digest. We got it by inter-library loan.

Thanks again!
I. N.
инок Николай

Offline Inok Nikolai

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Re: Olga's Letters
« Reply #258 on: March 26, 2022, 01:56:37 PM »

Ha! You post-Soviet Union, Internet-using researchers have it easy!

Sorry, Nikolai, what do you mean? Is it a praise or a blame?))
Thank you very much for you work!
unfortunately I can't find Dzhurkovich's full name, and I don't know anything about  Eugene Apollonovich. In one Olga's letter there was mentioned ''Lubom. Andr.", and I thought it could mean Lubomir - a Yugoslavian name, probably his,  but I have not got any confirmation.

Dear Antonina,

Forgive me. The comment was neither praise nor blame. I was just reflecting aloud on how much faster and easier some aspects of research have become in the Internet age, as opposed to how much sifting and searching it used to take us in the "old days" to discover even small nuggets of information.

And thank you for the tip. "Lubom. Andr." is a good lead. That reference occurs in Grand Duchess Olga Nicholaevna's letter of November 29, 1917, to M. S. Khitrovo.
Usually, however, G. D. Olga would simply refer to him directly as "Little Montenegrin".
But it is definitely worthwhile keeping in mind. Thank you again. Let's see what more might come up.

Well, it's only a few years later [!], but I just discovered that Lubomir Andreevich is indeed the Little Montenegrin's full name!

Inok Nikolai
инок Николай