The lack of her saying Papa does make it seem a little less believable...
That could just be a matter of translation.
I *think* I saw a letter that said this, but if Sarushka hasn't seen it, I'm not sure if anyone has!
I thought I saw a slightly larger excerpt a few years ago, but I've never been able to relocate it. I distinctly remember that I was reading on a park bench during my lunch break and ran across something that made me think to myself,
Oh there it is!, so it must have been an English-language book. For a long time I was sure it was the reprint of
The Last Grand Duchess, but I haven't been able to find anything in there since. I suspect I've associated that I've-found-it moment with the wrong factoid.
Sources I've checked:
Lifelong Passion
Fall of the Romanovs
Pered Rasstrelom
Le TsarevitchThere are about a dozen letters from Olga in
Pis'ma Tsarskoi Sem'i iz Zatocheniia that I have no translations for yet. A few letters in that book are known to be forgeries, though, so if it is in there it's not automatically a guarantee of authenticity.