Author Topic: Cemetery of horses  (Read 3039 times)

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Cemetery of horses
« on: August 13, 2005, 01:44:14 AM »
I would like to know how is the cemetery of the imperial horses nowadays ?
I know there are around 120 graves, among whom Lord, the horse of Alexandre III and Poltava the
mare of Nicolas I, but what is the oldest and the last ?
I have some pictures of this cemetery but it is not recent, does anyone have others ?


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Re: Cemetery of horses
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2005, 07:11:51 AM »
Helen - your pictures seem new to me.  But I know there is atleast one other conversation already in place on this subject.  Perhaps you could find it and add your question to it.

We've all (me included) got to try harder to find existing conversations and add to them instead of starting new ones.  The number of threads overall is coming enormous and the number of duplicate conversations are numerous as well.

This isn't meant to scold you - its mean to be a reminder to all of us.



I just did a search on "Horses" and about the 8th message down for the other thread:;action=display;num=1091857932

It took < a minute to find this particular thread.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Dominic_Albanese »


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Re: Cemetery of horses
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2005, 11:12:23 AM »
Thanks Dominic, I did a search but just in the discussions about the Palace itself and I didn't think to search in "The imperial Family", but I will try to do my best for doing better search the next time  ;).  

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