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Lovely picture, but boy, what a ghastly suit Eddy's wearing!
I agree. The suit is pretty ghastly but the tie is simply deadly!
Yes, the tie is minging too - a lethal combination - a minging tie and a minging suit! Sophie looks mint, though.
All reet, ding dong. This is off the scale.
Gracious me Richard and Martyn, the pair of you sound like my 17 and 18 year old sons.......GNARLEY as they would say (groovy/fab for the ageing hippies amongst us). you'll be wearing "hoodies" next -diamond encrusted of course!
Actually, over here, we tend to say 'legend' about something we like, as in: that was legend!! : - ) Trust me, most of my friends say these things!
I prefer 'UNTOLD'......as used by Bear in 'The Bear's Tale'....
What does that mean? Some sort of 1960s slang? ; - )