So sorry to be reviving a
very old thread, but I just couldn't help myself and had to throw in my two cents!

When it comes to casting, I think it's important to remember that Ella was considered a great beauty. Personally, I don't think that any actress resembles her, but the first actresses that came to my mind were Marion Cotillard and Amber Heard.
Marion is a well-established actress and I personally consider her very beautiful. Her chocolate brown/auburn hair, pure blue eyes, delicate smile and flawless, fair skin - which, I believe, are all features that Ella possessed - could make her an appropriate candidate. Their face shapes are different, but hey, there's bound to be some physical differences between Ella and the actress who would portray her.
Amber Heard is also a great beauty and I think her face shape is much more similar to Ella's, although she does have a very sultry appearance. But generally, lookswise, I think she would be a very appropriate choice and looks beautiful naturally with no/minimal makeup as well, as I'm sure Ella would not be portrayed with heavy makeup on the screen, anyway.