Olga to Petrov, 19 June 1917:
"Studies are taking their own course. Maria and I study English together. She reads to me aloud and, if it's not too hot, takes dictation. She and I study history two times a week. Russian history according to Nechvolodov's book. He describes everything really well and in detail. Right now, we've stopped on the folk heroes (epics). Two times a week, Anastasia and I read about the history of the Middle Ages according to Konst. Amn.'s texbook. Though that's a lot harder, since my memory for all these events is atrocious, but hers is no better. I divided up my own hours (the free ones) for reading (boring things): history of art, French hist., general hist., and Russian lit. according to Galakhov."
So it looks like although she might have been done with her 'general education' (since she was 21 at the time) she probably had nothing else to do so went about educating herself anyway!