Author Topic: Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...  (Read 14120 times)

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Offline RealAnastasia

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Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« on: May 18, 2005, 07:25:59 PM »
Hi. Now, I have another little story: A woman claimed to be Tatiana ...again in Berlin, in 1939. I picked up this story in a Henri Danjou's article from "Historia" revew (in French) from March, 1955: "Was she a Russian Grand-Duchess?"

 This Tatiana worked in Berlin as a nurse in a hospital for tuberculous people: the Boelitz-Adlershof Institute. Her supporters were the Baron Werner Van Wiel and his sister, Jutta a journalist. I ignore if she had more supporters. This new "Tatiana" was named Alexandra Michaelis, and claimed that she didn't suffer the Ekaterinburg massacre. She was rescued by an Orthodox priest, Father Storojew, and a young soldier from the Red Army, Vassili Blücher (the nice guy  ;D), some days before the massacre. The "nice guy" helped "Tatiana" to get the German Army, near Ljepaja, in Lithuanie. There, she took the name Katharina von Travansky and went to live in Berlin. After a while, she changed again her name to Alexandra Michaelis. Nobody saw her again after the 1950's.

  Her attitude was very strange: she never claimed to be Tatiana. She wanted to live alone, and when somebody would said who "she was", she would start to cry and said: "Oh! Let me alone! You don't have any proof that I'm Tatiana! I just wants to live as other people does, and if I had any money, I would share it with war victims!".

 The article saids that Alexandra Michaelis was very stylish, slender, and that her face was a spitting image of Nicholas II.

  And, sorry again...No pics from her.  >:(



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Re: Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2005, 12:55:01 PM »
wow!but I don't  think she can be Tatiana Romanov...Why?Also if some Romanov is survived,the body missing is the Maria's(or Anastasia,,,but I don't Think)body

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Re: Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2005, 03:28:22 PM »
this is interesting. although they're pretty sure that the body of tatiana was in the grave...

Offline RealAnastasia

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Re: Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2005, 08:41:47 PM »
I think the same. But since I read that the tallest of all the skeletons was supposed to be Anastasia (every skeleton that Russian experts found it was "Anastasia or Alexei"...who are the only two who are missing in the gravesite), I'm not surprised that the missing girl would have been Maria. Some forensic researchers said so.
For me, the whole case is pretty dark, so, I must go on and on analyzing all the facts I know. There is too many (and sometimes contradictory) info about this gravesite and the nine skeletons they found in it...Too many made up affirmations to said too fast: "Is Anastasia who is missing", or "Is Maria". We don't know even if the two missing children survived or not.

My own conclusions are that yes, they survived, and that the two missing children are Anastasia and Alexei. You know my toughts about the AA case, and as for Alexei, I suppose he could have been this guy named Filipp Grigorievich Semionov who was haemophiliac and suffered from chryptorchidia, like the Tsarevich.  But of course, I may be wrong. This affair it's very complex.
The thing that amazed  me about Tatiana Michaelis is that she never claimed to be the one that others seems to have recognized in her. She always asked to be left alone...I always thought that it would have been very useful to us if we may know a pic of her.



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Re: Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2005, 02:56:50 PM »
     Another Madame Michaelis appears in the pages of the apocryphal memoir by Jacqueline Monsigny “Les filles du Tsar,” mentioned elsewhere in the Alexander Palace website.  According to Mme. Monsigny, “Mme. de Michaelis” is identified as a pseudonym of the GD Tatiana!  The author quotes from a purported letter of GD Olga to GD Maria composed about the year 1934 and which appears to have been the first communication between the two sisters since both left Russia in 1918.  (One can say that the character conveyed by the writer of this letter would seem to me to be compatible with what is certainly known of GD Olga.) It relates that the women of the Imperial family, having been transported to Perm from Ekaterinburg, were “separated” from one another in the fall of 1918, though Anastasia had already run away by then.  GD Maria was taken to Moscow and GD Olga, Tatiana and the Empress now in a semi-comatose condition were eventually evacuated to Lemburg or Lvov in the newly constituted Poland.  After a “few days” the GD Olga was visited by two men who appeared to be Bolshevik agents who placed her in the keeping of Polish agents.  These last gave her a “bundle of lire” and an Italian passport under the name of “Magda Boots”.  (This name later has appeared as “Magda Boodts”.)  She was told to depart post-haste for Italy.  While Olga wanted to stay with her sister and invalided mother, she had to obey.  Tatiana promised to never leave her mother who was now unable to move and hardly able to speak.  Immediately before Olga left, she learned that GD Tatiana also received papers indicating that her new name would be “Madame Michaelis”.  Tatiana and the Empress remained under the protection of the Polish government and Count Andrei Szepticky, the Bishop of Lvov and the Uniate Metropolitan of the Ukraine (in union with the RC Church).  Bishop Count Szepticky was a personal friend to all the popes from Leo XIII through Pius XI, the Pontiff at the time of these events.  (It was the Vatican that authorized the protection of the Empress and GD Tatiana.)  Sometime before WWII, the GD Olga, Maria, and Tatiana were able to re-unite around the bed of the Empress in the monastery of Bon-Repos at Lvov at the end of a great avenue, the Potokski Ulitsa.  
    Tatiana had “found the peace of the soul in the convent and dreamed more and more of taking vows,” though she would not consider leaving her mother “until [the Empress took] her last breath.”  Olga had found her own peace in running an orphanage at Mennaggio on Lake Como.  She would never abandon that work.  With the coming of WWII and the German and Russian invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, GD Tatiana and the Empress were in the greatest danger since the Revolution.  Mme. Monsigny says that GD Tatiana as “Madame de Michaelis” disappeared in a German concentration camp.  She says as well that the Empress met the same fate.  However, the main source for Mme. Monsigny, Alexis de Durazzo, the purported grandson of GD Maria, said in his book that the Empress was successfully evacuated to a monastery near Florence where she died and was buried sometime between 1940 and 1942.  The exact date of her death and place of burial is unknown.  I suspect that the referencve to a Mme. Michaelis in the post by "Real Anastasia" above was possibly a Soviet plant, the real GD Tatiana already dead by that time.        

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Re: Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2005, 08:03:05 PM »
Perhaps, this "Mme. Michaelis" was the same than the one I was speaking about. Who knows? In the article I have, she appears as "Tatiana Michaelis" as well as "Alexandra Michaelis". I only have a short article about her ina French review (Magazine) "Historia". The info was not complete and the only think clear for me is that she escaped twice to be murdered, and that she was a nurse for a short time. She always would burst in tears saying that she wanted to be left alone. Of course, no photo of her.

Did you know more concrete things about Mme. Michaelis? Did you know some photos of her? It seems very possible that she was someone of Intelligentsia service , a spy. She could have been a red spy or a German one. I'm not sure.

Thank you for your interesting message, Strom!



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Re: Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2005, 02:00:16 PM »
     What is interesting for me at the present moment is that Mme. Monsigny has amplified the survival story as conveyed by Alexis De Durrazzo to identify GD Tatiana with "Mme. de Michaelis."  I assume that de Durazzo has his own reasons for not making this identification in his own book.  
    While not wishing to "kick a dead dog" beyond all reason it seems to me that at this point in time the entire fabrication of the "assasination of the Imperial family" in July 1917 as propagated from political, social, trepidary and even covetous motivations in the 20th cen. needs to be set aside in the light of the evidence of survival.            

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Re: Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2010, 06:43:07 AM »
I would like a photo of Alexandra Michaelis!      ???


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Re: Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2010, 11:27:39 AM »
Just a friendly reminder even though I'm not a mod.

Quote from Forum Admin:
"The evidence is in, as far as this forum is concerned, that we now have the remains of the 2 missing children, there is NO possibility any longer that anyone actually survived. THIS IS NOT SUBJECT TO DEBATE HERE ANY LONGER.

The discussion of "survivors" may continue so long as the discussion is to the claims in the historical context only.  The discussion of any VALIDITY to their claims is now moot, since res ipsa loquitor there WERE NO SURVIVORS, thus it is off limits."

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Re: Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2010, 03:25:35 PM »
Just a friendly reminder even though I'm not a mod.

Quote from Forum Admin:
"The evidence is in, as far as this forum is concerned, that we now have the remains of the 2 missing children, there is NO possibility any longer that anyone actually survived. THIS IS NOT SUBJECT TO DEBATE HERE ANY LONGER.

The discussion of "survivors" may continue so long as the discussion is to the claims in the historical context only.  The discussion of any VALIDITY to their claims is now moot, since res ipsa loquitor there WERE NO SURVIVORS, thus it is off limits."

But I did not say that Alexandra Michaelis was the real Grand Duchess Tatiana, I know  tha  Romanov family  died in 1918, my request was pure curiosity! -.-


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Re: Alexandra Michaelis-Tatiana...
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2010, 05:36:33 PM »
Yes, I know. ;-) The reason why I posted this is RealAnastasia's statement:

My own conclusions are that yes, they survived, and that the two missing children are Anastasia and Alexei. You know my toughts about the AA case, and as for Alexei, I suppose he could have been this guy named Filipp Grigorievich Semionov who was haemophiliac and suffered from chryptorchidia, like the Tsarevich.  But of course, I may be wrong. This affair it's very complex.

I'm not sure if I've understood RealAnastasia correctly but I just want to make one thing clear: No one survived (This has been scientifically proven), AA was not AN and Filipp Grigorievich Semionov was not Alexei.