Hi, KentKim -
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I DO have the soft cover, but it's a different editiion than the one linked on your e-mail. My cover has Nicholas & Alexandra and their family (in the same formal portrait as in your linked soft cover edition), except it cuts off Alexei's right arm (and hence Tatiana).
I MUST admit that when I bought the book I realized it wasn't just about N & A, but didn't know the author would just "highlight" their reign. I do see where it states,
"This study wisely skirts around the last czar, Nicholas II, and his consort, Alexandra, in its focus on more interesting (and equally tragic) members of Russia's doomed dynastic house. In particular, Van der Kiste's portrait of Alexander II is especially affecting."
I wholeheartedly agree that the author's coverage of Alexander II was EXCELLENT and, as I stated earlier, and addressed parts of his life that I had never read before.
However, it concerns me when I see glaring typos, like calling the "Alexander Palace" the "Alexandra Palace at Tsarskoe Selo" (among others), that I wonder if there are others that I'm simply missing.
As for the other books you suggested, I, myself, have ready Massie's N&A too many times to count (I stopped counting at 20!), and I thought Radzinsky's Rasputin file was marvelous.
Small bit of trivia here - I got Mistalav Rostopovich to autograph my edition of "The Rasputin File" when he was in my city for a concert. For those of you who haven't read it, Rostopovich (the great Russian cellist) found the "Rasputin File" at an auction and gave it to Radzinsky. He was so CUTE when I asked him to autograph the book (he had been VERY serious up to that point!) - he giggled and said, "Oh, it's MY book" (everyone standing around us were VERY impressed), and then he said to me in a whisper, "Of course, WE know it's not "My Book", but I HELPED!"
