Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Yussupovs
Felix and Irina's fashion house, Irfe.
What exactly happend to Irfe? Were people responsive to its products? Did Felix actually design the clothes? Was there a flagship store? Do any pictures relating to Irfe remain?
I really, really want to know!
The best published source about Irfe and many other russian aristocrats´ in exile activities is, as far as i know, "Beauty in Exile".
It's already on my Amazon Wish List! But there's a thousand dollars worth of books ahead of it. In the meantime can someone that has the book fill me in?
There´re a lot of material, designs, advertisments and so on from Irfe in the Library of decorative arts in Paris. The house of Irfe was located in 19 rue Duphot, Paris.
The firm was liquidated in 1931. Before liquidation Felix made a last attempt to save it by uniting with the russian fashion house of Yteb.
you can always get books through Interlibrary loan, either from a public library or through a university library, :)
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