Author Topic: AA and "this night" in the cellar.  (Read 14566 times)

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Re: AA and "this night" in the cellar.
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2005, 05:49:34 PM »
Folk all to often report the ramblings of FS/AA as if they were gospel truth...her "REAL" memories of terrible past events....and they were "NOT"....they were the twisted fantacies of a mad woman....I feel sorry for her...I doubt that the potential monies that some hoped for...perhaps in her name...meant diddle to FS/AA....she just "LOVED" being considered "SOMEONE" of interest and importance.....

Offline RealAnastasia

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Re: AA and "this night" in the cellar.
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2005, 07:31:46 PM »
Just your opinion...And my point of view is also this: just my opinion.

  Bear post a great message about all this poor woman suffering, in a psychologic point of view and I appreciate it, since I'm not very bright in psychologie issues.  ;D Your threads are always interesting , Bear, and we always learn something new reading them.

  And yes: AA was a crazy woman. That's for sure. Whoever she was her mind was ill. Nobody would deny it. But I don't think she had all she wanted. She didn't want notoriety, nor publicity: she was very agressive with journalist, and sometimes mean tovisitors, and even to her own supporters. No; she didn't have a nice life, and I wouldn't have liked to change my life to her own. Not at all. She lived without work...And so what? Her life was a nightmare; nobody loved her, and I suppose, she didn't love anyone . That's sad. Too sad.

 I repeat it: I don't know who this lady was, and if I would have been a Tzar daughter, I would like to have died in this cellar, along, with all my family. I believe AN survived, but I don't wish it. I said that I'm a romantic, and certainly it's more romantic to have a whole family dying together, rather than imagine that someone really escaped and lived a nightmare, awful life. I tryed to convince myself that all of them died, but I can't. I always have too many questions coming to my mind to think the case is closed. I know already I'm a stupid, a candide, a believer in Easter-Bunnies and all. But I just can't help it. Don't blame me.



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Re: AA and "this night" in the cellar.
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2005, 07:38:47 PM »
We don't "BLAME"'s all a bumpy fall down the rabbit hole...a la Alice....But AA "WAS" FS....and not AN...but that's...OK....we can all live with that...No one gets beaten up....And all the info about shoe sizes and lips and hair lines and al...are very interesting......

Offline RealAnastasia

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Re: AA and "this night" in the cellar.
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2005, 09:52:17 PM »
We don't "BLAME"'s all a bumpy fall down the rabbit hole...a la Alice....But AA "WAS" FS....and not AN...but that's...OK....we can all live with that...No one gets beaten up....And all the info about shoe sizes and lips and hair lines and al...are very interesting......

Perfect...I'm a great...idiot..I believe in gosths...I'm a Mme. Blavatsky student in spiritism school...Fool me...AA was a polish peasant...polish peasant...polish peasant...DNA....Any of them survived...Impossible...No way...Con artist...Gleb feed her with lots of infos...The Dalldorf nurses were all payed...Schwabe, Tolstaïa , Kleist and Leuchtenberg were stupid or con artist themselves...

Right. We supporters have all the same arguments and repeat them. And you, anti AA, have always the same arguments and repeat them everywhere too.

Not so bad...We'll speak in ten years or so.
