I guess I'm a member of the short people club too.I'm 5'1 and it's pretty bad when my almost 14 year old daughter is taller than I am.She knows not to cross me though cause she knows Mom's got a nasty temper when you make her mad.

No, that's not true of me, too...

About three years ago, during one of my many visits to Johns Hopkins to see my husband, we were playing a sort of truth-or-dare, and someone asked my husband who he was most afraid of. At the time, I was in the kitchen, one room over, making chocolate chip cookies. His response was, 'Arianwen in a temper.' A few people laughed, a few others rolled their eyes, and one said loudly, 'What, Betty Crocker in there? What's she going to do, attack me with sewing or knitting needles?'
'Who the bloody hell are you calling Betty Crocker?!' they heard me yell from the kitchen, and my husband started snickering, all the while hoping I wasn't going to come out with a butcher's knife in my hand or the like. Apparently, from the side, a metal spatula looks like something else.

Plus, I have a fencer's habit of the way I hold things in my hand like I'd hold a sword when I'm not actively using said object. There was a nice little tirade that followed, though I wasn't really angry, just slightly annoyed. I had to prove my husband's point, though.

Needless to say, it was the last time anyone in that house dismissed me as just the porcelain doll I look like.

I haven't taken any measurments of myself as yet,when I do I might post them.
Although if anyone needs some donations in the chest department I'll be happy to share some of mine seeing as I'm a 36DD 
You, too? Well, now I seem to have settled into a D, which is only slightly larger than before pregnancy, so I'm all right with that. Thank God for minimser bras, right?
I'm 31 and I still get carded sometimes for everything.I guess that's good that I still look so young. 
I'm the same way. I was dressed in a suit, with makeup on and my hair pulled back, and I was STILL told I couldn't be a day over seventeen on a train. I was even carded. This being when I was twenty-two...*snickers* My brother just turned eighteen this weekend, and someone asked if I was his younger sister. lol We went on to explain that we were five years apart, and as this person knew Alex was a junior in high school at the time, she just turned to my brother with an incredulous look and asked, 'How many grades did you repeat?' Then again, Alex at least looks his age.

I must say the rest of you ladies are lucky that your small size gets you some help on occasion.I have this air about me that says "I may be short but I've a nasty temper and I can take care of myself thank you very much" so I don't seem to get much help for some reason. :-/ Oh well such is life.
Men usually learn that about me later, that I'm short and delicate, but I can still handle myself. I broke my left wrist in three places playing rugby when I was seven, and while everyone was screaming for my mum, I hid my wrist behind my back, protruding bone through skin and all, so she wouldn't make me stop playing. Also, I grew up playing rugby with a group of mates and cousins, all of whom are taller than me. The shortest bloke in our group was 5'11", so I'm used to running people down.

Ballet and figure-skating at least go along with my image. Fencing, football, rugby, getting into wrestling matches and donnybrooks (fist-fights) with my brother and my other mates...well, that doesn't fit so well with the faerie-tale princess image, I suppose...
