Yurovsky, states that in disposal, a fire was first attempted, at which time two bodies were placed on it
Bear: Yurovsky gives us several different accounts about who was buried in a grave "near" the mass grave in Pig's Meadow.
One account tells us that "two bodies" were burned and then buried.
Another account tell us that "one single body" was burned and buried.
Then there is the confusion as to the identity of the female who was burned and buried with Alexei. First he thought it was Alexandra, then he corrected this by saying it was Demidova, but, we know it was neither. One of the grand duchesses is missing from the mass grave.
Evidence of fires were found by all investigators, including the most recent excavations at the site.
Bear: There were traces of bonfires but we have no idea if they were to burn a body/bodies or to keep warm, to roast a chicken, or, in need of fire which lit the night so they could see.
The other grave was found just as described in the statement - including broken vials of sulfuric acid and pieces of rope that had been used to drag them from the mine - exactly as Yorovsky said.
Bear: Since Yurovsky was accurate with the mass grave and supposedly left a note which tells the general location of the mass grave, then why is it that we can't find the buriel place of two "near" the mass grave? Either "near" isn't "near" or they were not buried in the meadow or near the meadow....
OR, there is the slight possibility the two who are missing may have survived a hour, two hours, two days, two weeks, a year...... For all we know they may have been buried in the woods near Perm. [Just thought I toss that in since I know how much most of you like me to mention Perm. ]
Hi Bear!
All of the most serious inconsistences in those numerous tellings of the Romanov story have always revolved around the fate of those two missing bodies... most notably, the very obvious difference in the number of missing bodies that were reported in the 1920 "Yurovsky Note" (two), in Yurovsky's 1922 memoir (one), and in Peter Ermakov's claims that there were no missing bodies... that they had *all* been burnt to ash.
On this, we can all agree: The truth never changes, so a person who is telling the truth should consistently tell the same story time after time.
But... If the telling of a single story keeps changing in all of its most important details...
If the people who are telling the story never manage to tell the details of that same story the same way twice, then that's a very good sign that the people who are telling the story are not telling the truth... because their memories of the lies that they had told the first time can never be accurate on those second and subsequent times that they attempt to tell the same story.
If Yurovsky and Ermakov had actually been telling the truth about those two missing bodies, then they would consistently have told the same story... but, the fact is, they did not.
You have mentioned that your opponents don't react well to your raising the issue of Perm... Well... They'll love this one...

The question of survivors has always been discussed in terms of the two missing teenage Romanovs' possible survival having occured by accident...
Have you ever considered the possibility that the constantly changing claims that were made by those murderous members of the Cheka Guard about the fate of the two missing Romanovs... are a sure sign of a deliberately concocted cover story?
Have you ever dared to consider the possibility that the disappearance of those two missing Romanovs was not an accident? Have you ever dared to consider the possibility that the disappearance of those two missing Romanovs had been the result of deliberate design?
Have you ever dared to consider the possibility that those very same members of the Cheka Guard who had puilled off this little deception had never managed to tell their cover story about those two missing bodies the same way twice... because they could never rememeber accurately the lies that they had agreed to tell?
Now, that one should surely stir up the pot!