Divia, no one flamed you, we were only trying to explain the facts. I must ask, though, if you don't think the DNA tests were rigged, why don't you believe them? They proved that Anna Anderson was not related to Alexandra's family, and she was related to the family of the Polish woman she had been suspected to be. This woman disappeared in Berlin the same time AA appeared. It's more fun and cool and happy to believe someone lived, but that doesn't make it true.
If you are truly new, we'd be glad to discuss this and answer all of your questions. Please forgive my suspicion, but we do have a person or two who are avid AA supporters who keep coming back every few days with a different name pretending to be 'new.' One person has done this at least seven times. So please understand that we veterans are very skeptical of 'newbies' who are overly enthusiastic AA supporters. Of course, if they really are new, and not a banned person pretending, they are welcome, regardless of what 'side' they are on. And please remember, just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they 'flamed' you.