The current contact address for those of you who plan to visit Schloss Heiligenberg in Jugenheim is the following link below. It is not possible to visit the inside of Schloss Heiligenberg. But you can ask for a guided tour around the Schloss, the garden and the memorial chapel and the grave of Prince Alexander von Hessen & bei Rhein and his wife Princess Julie Battenberg. The Website of the
Schloss Heiligenberg Foundation is not online yet. The Foundation, founded in 2008, took over the management of Schloss Heiligenberg and is the actual responsible party for the whole Schloss and its organisation. Currently the former janitors house behind the Schloss is under construction to create a little museum/info-centre. Opening is planed for summer/fall 2013.
Tours are offered in german, english and russian and have to be booked in advance (see above link of the Verkehrs,-und Verschönerungsverein Jugenheim). But generally you are able to walk around the grounds of the Schloss without tour, it is open to everybody.