Author Topic: Photos and showing teeth  (Read 61729 times)

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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2005, 01:28:21 PM »
How sweet and delicious it must have been for the public to interact with the IF on this rare speaking to lovely and remote angels....I'd likely have bought tons of silly flowers...just to chat with each Imperial person...I have no shame.... ;)

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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2005, 07:18:08 PM »
Nor me, etonexile! I would have paid to speak and interact with my favorite family in history! I'm a hopeless romantic!  ;D

  And thank you, FA! I didn't know that they were in Yalta in this photo, nor there was a "Flower Festival"...Thank you again.



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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2005, 11:29:15 AM »
i wish i could have been at the flower festival... it sounds so exiting! lol. does any one know wat it says on the top of their staffs. i can't make it out?

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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2005, 12:00:17 PM »
From Spiridovitch "Les Dernieres Annees..." my translation from the French:

      May 14 they held a charity bazaar with the white flower festival on the jetty.  This had been organized by the Empress who chose the location herself, despite the fact that it did not seem to convenient for such a use. However, the Standardt was anchored in front of the jetty, so if the Empress was not well she could leave the festival at any time and retire to her cabin.  It was also equally convenient for the children.
     The authorities on land did everything possible in their power to disrupt the festival from taking place on the jetty, believing that the navy already played too predominant a role. However all of their intrigues ran up against the wishes of the Empress.
     They decided that the children would take part in a scavenger hunt. Uri Alexandrovitch Kovako, a fat country landowner, and father of a large family enjoyed the friendship of Their Majesties, was charged with organizing ceremony of the scavenger hunt. An old officer of the Grodnenski Hussars, he still always wore the uniform.  Kovako possessed some of the talents of society: he danced the mazurka admirably well and painted handsome oil portraits of the Emperor.  He succeeded particularly well in reproducing the kind face of the Sovereign.
     Kovako had built a huge wicker basket on wheels, into which he put his seven children, my little girl Xenia, the daughters of Count Kapnist, the grand daughter of Dyedyuline and the little Spendyarov children. Two sailors from the yacht were charged by the Empress to pull the vehicle along the quay.  The children did the scavenger hunt, which was very fruitful.  The Empress distributed to the children ribbons carrying the date of the festival, post cards signed with her name and she herself acted really quite kindly toward the children while they could only revere her.
     The public was admitted, without any restriction, onto the jetty, where dense crowds were unending.  Each person wanted to receive something from the hand of the Empress.  More than one among us was struck by the stark contrast existing between the enthusiasm of those crowds and the malevolence of the high society of Petersburg.


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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2005, 06:08:07 PM »
From Spiridovitch "Les Dernieres Annees..." my translation from the French:

       May 14 they held a charity bazaar with the white flower festival on the jetty.  This had been organized by the Empress who chose the location herself, despite the fact that it did not seem to convenient for such a use. However, the Standardt was anchored in front of the jetty, so if the Empress was not well she could leave the festival at any time and retire to her cabin.  It was also equally convenient for the children.
      The authorities on land did everything possible in their power to disrupt the festival from taking place on the jetty, believing that the navy already played too predominant a role. However all of their intrigues ran up against the wishes of the Empress.
      They decided that the children would take part in a scavenger hunt. Uri Alexandrovitch Kovako, a fat country landowner, and father of a large family enjoyed the friendship of Their Majesties, was charged with organizing ceremony of the scavenger hunt. An old officer of the Grodnenski Hussars, he still always wore the uniform.  Kovako possessed some of the talents of society: he danced the mazurka admirably well and painted handsome oil portraits of the Emperor.  He succeeded particularly well in reproducing the kind face of the Sovereign.
      Kovako had built a huge wicker basket on wheels, into which he put his seven children, my little girl Xenia, the daughters of Count Kapnist, the grand daughter of Dyedyuline and the little Spendyarov children. Two sailors from the yacht were charged by the Empress to pull the vehicle along the quay.  The children did the scavenger hunt, which was very fruitful.  The Empress distributed to the children ribbons carrying the date of the festival, post cards signed with her name and she herself acted really quite kindly toward the children while they could only revere her.
      The public was admitted, without any restriction, onto the jetty, where dense crowds were unending.  Each person wanted to receive something from the hand of the Empress.  More than one among us was struck by the stark contrast existing between the enthusiasm of those crowds and the malevolence of the high society of Petersburg.

thank u so much! thats amazing :D i didn't know there was a scavenger hunt. must have been fun! "Kovako possessed some of the talents of society: he danced the mazurka admirably well and painted handsome oil portraits of the Emperor." does any one have one of the pictures from the festival?


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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2005, 09:46:15 AM »

Like was mentioned,people didn't smile then for pictures.I have one picture of the Empress Alexandra smiling(you can find it under TATIANA,"Tatiana Smiling?")That,and maybe the sun is in her way...?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by admin »


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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2005, 09:47:33 AM »
For the first one it looks like the sun is in Anastasia's way I mean.

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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2005, 10:08:04 AM »
Anastasia R, please do not quote pictures in the same thread. There is no reason to double the load time of a thread by re-showing the same pictures that are already in the thread. I deleted your quote of these pics.



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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2008, 10:38:33 PM »
Why is it that, in most of the photos, none of the GD's, or anyone else for that matter, smile with teeth showing? Their faces always showed Monalisa smiles. There is one I remember of Maria with teeth, from a side view when they were on an outing. I heard somewhere it was considered improper to show teeth at any time, even during the informal shots. Why was this? Just curious!



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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2008, 06:10:25 AM »

Offline Ally Kumari

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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2008, 06:29:39 AM »
I don´t think they ahd bad teeth. Nicolas did, but OTMA didn´t as far as I know. We could also ask why do we show the teeth all the time.....

But it´s cute thinking that Tsar´s children had a gap between the front teeth - all except Tatiana - at least I have not seen her showing teeth so I can´t really tell.

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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2008, 08:14:00 AM »
Due to their fondness for sweets the children all had a significant number of fillings, but I don't believe their dental work was especially noticeable or unattractive.

IMO, the preference for toothy grins is a relatively recent, somewhat American-based trend. Photos of the AII, AIII, and Hesse families are pretty much tooth-free, as are photos of the IF with royal families in other countries (Sweden, Denmark, Romania, England). Broad toothy grins just weren't the style in Europe at that time.

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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2008, 08:19:50 AM »
By the way, Aleksei had a gap as well:


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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2008, 02:00:54 PM »
did they haves thses gaps all their lives or were they filled in?

Anastasia Nikolaievna[/color][/size]

is it me or does this photo ( above) of Anastasia remind you of the Queen Mother ( elizabeth bowes-lyon)? i think A's smile looks like QM's smile when she was old


Offline amartin71718

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Re: Photos and showing teeth
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2008, 03:48:55 PM »
Ther eare a couple of pictures where Alexandra is showing her teeth. You can probably find them in the Can you find the Smiling Alexandra thread.
I'm back on my bull****.