Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Balkan Royal Families

Princess Elizaveta of Romania, spouse of King George II of Greece

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When did Printesa Elizaveta (ex wife of Giorgos II of Greece) die and where?

Where did she live in Bucuresti? Did she ever got divorced?



--- Quote ---When did Printesa Elizaveta (ex wife of Giorgos II of Greece) die and where?

Where did she live in Bucuresti? Did she ever got divorced?

--- End quote ---


She died on the French Rivera and was divorced.  She was a nasty old snake!


was she the owner of the Elizabeth palace?

Thanks Tampabay!


--- Quote ---was she the owner of the Elizabeth palace?

Thanks Tampabay!
--- End quote ---

Yes, I read that the Elisabeta Palace was built for her in 1936. It was a gift from her brother, King Carol II, if I'm not mistaken. Anyway soon after she left Bucharest and went to live to the castle of Banloc near Timisoara.

She was, from what UI've read, a nasty woman... a Grand Duke from Russia once even wanted to amrry her, which I find amazing, but anyway. She once said something like this (don't quote me, I'm not reading it so it's not literal): "I've comitted every vice but one, and I don't want to die without having killed". Do you think she succeeded? She was however a very elegant woman and in my oppinion really beautiful...


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