Author Topic: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children  (Read 193123 times)

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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #195 on: December 03, 2012, 04:05:39 PM »
Where does Madelaine's own family came from ? She was from a branch of the Bourbon family.

She comes from a rich branch of the Bourbon family descended from Louis de Bourbon,Bishop of Liege who had illegitimate issue with Katarina of Egmont,regent of Geldern...

Madeleine's family owned several Castles across France and her son Prince Sixte-Henri still lives there...

Madeleine left one of the castles to her daughter Francoise and today Prince Charles-Henri de Lobkowicz owns it,but i don't know the name :(

Here is part of it:

Chateau de Busset  is still owned by the family and is now a hotel...

Chateau de Saussay where Charles de Bourbon-Busset, Vicomte de Busset, Comte de Lignieres lives...

Chateau de Vesigneux where Philippe de Bourbon-Busset,Comte de Chalus lives...

and Chateau de Lignieres where Madeleine's son prince Sixte-Henri of Bourbon-Parma lives..
« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 04:24:43 PM by Marc »


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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #196 on: December 04, 2012, 08:08:20 AM »
Thanks for the pictures and information. Have no idea that the family is so rich.

Offline grandduchessella

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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #197 on: December 04, 2012, 10:51:05 AM »
Her father was Georges, Count of Lignières, and her mother Marie Jeanne de Kerret de Quillien. I think she was one of 9 siblings--all of whom seem to have married very well into the aristocracy.

Madeleine left one castle to her youngest son and the other to her daughter Francoise. Her grandson Charles Henri prince Lobkowicz now owns it.
The marriage of Xavier & Madeleine's daughter Francoise to  Edouard de Lobkowicz

Four estates derive from the Bourbon-Busset branch and are still occupied:

- the Château de Busset  (in the Bourbonnais, the Auvergne)  (in use as a hotel to gain revenue)
- the Château de Saussay  (Ile-de-France) (in use by Charles de Bourbon-Busset, Vicomte de Busset, Comte de Lignières)
- the Château de Vésigneux (in the Nièvre, the Bourgogne) (in use by Philippe de Bourbon de Châlus, Comte de Châlus)
- the Château de Lignières (in the Cher, central France) (in use by Prince Sixte-Henri de Bourbon de Parme)

As for the last, Henri on Royal Jewels of the World MB said this: "It is difficult to tell what will happen with the château, the domains of Lignières and other possessions when Prince  Sixte-Henri passes away. He seems still only on speaking terms with his eldest sibling, Princess Françoise-Marie de Lobkowicz whom has issue (the still unmarried Prince Charles-Henri de Lobkowicz and Princess Marie-Gabrielle de Lobkowicz, whom seems to be a nun, if I am correct).
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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #198 on: December 04, 2012, 11:44:06 AM »
That for the wealth of information. Appreciate it !

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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #199 on: December 04, 2012, 03:08:21 PM »
What is also interesting is that Madeleine is a great-granddaughter of Prince d'Orange,while her son married Princess Irene whose family also claims the title Prince of Orange...

Offline grandduchessella

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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #200 on: December 04, 2012, 03:30:07 PM »
"Madeleine de Bourbon-Busset (1898–1984), daughter of the count of Lignières and Jacques's fourth cousin once removed, married in 1927 a royal Bourbon relative, Xavier, titular duke of Parma and Carlist pretender to the throne of Spain. Although Madeleine brought as dowry the chateau of Lignières, at the time this marriage was not accepted as dynastic by the titular Duke, Xavier's elder brother, obtaining dynastic recognition retroactively around the time of the engagement of Xavier's eldest son to the daughter of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands in 1964.

As wife of Xavier, Madeleine was, however, proclaimed Queen consort of Spain by the remaining Carlists in 1952. Widowed in 1977, she remained a staunch adherent of her husband's Carlist principles. She excluded her elder son from the funeral of her husband as disloyal to his father's traditionalist Carlism, recognizing instead the claim to Carlist leadership and to Lignières of her younger son Prince Sixtus Henry of Bourbon-Parma, (self-proclaimed) duke of Aranjuez, who continued the rivalry with his brother as Carlist pretender.

A senior male-line descendant of the Bourbon-Busset was the French writer Jacques de Bourbon-Busset (1912–2001), member of the French Academy. President Charles de Gaulle was once quoted telling him: Had it not been for the decision of King Louis XI, you might well be head of state of France today, instead of me."


"Xavier's marriage to Madeleine was recognised as dynastic by the Carlist claimant to the throne of Spain, Alfonso Carlos, Duke of San Jaime, who was married to the sister of Xavier's mother. However, Xavier's half-brother Elias – who was regent for their handicapped brother Duke Enrico of Parma – did not recognise the marriage as dynastic regarding the succession to the ducal throne of Parma. The reason for this lack of dynastic recognition was in part Madeleine's ancestry, but it was also influenced by other political and family differences. During the 1920s and 1930s Elias and Xavier were on opposing sides of a family legal battle over the ownership of the Château de Chambord. Elias had also recognised Alfonso XIII as constitutional king of Spain, in spite of the fact that his father Robert had supported the Carlist claimants.
In 1961 Elias' son Duke Robert II of Parma recognised the marriage between Xavier and Madeleine as dynastic regarding the succession to the ducal throne of Parma."

And dynastic squabbling:

"On 20 April 1975 Xavier abdicated as Carlist king in favour of Carlos Hugo. His younger son Sixtus Henry opposed the succession of Carlos Hugo and presented himself as the "standard-bearer" (abanderado) of traditional Carlism. Xavier issued a declaration affirming that his abdication had been voluntary, and that Sixtus Henry had separated himself from Carlism. The battle between Xavier's sons continued with each claiming their father's support. Carlos Hugo was supported by his three unmarried sisters, while Sixtus Henry was supported by his mother.

Carlos Hugo accused Sixtus Henry of having abducted Xavier who was then in hospital. Sixtus Henry published a declaration from Xavier dated 4 March 1977 in which Xavier re-affirmed his support for traditional Carlism. In this document Xavier condemned the socialist form of Carlism which he described as "a very serious doctrinal error". Three days later on 7 March 1977, Xavier's daughter Cecilia took Xavier out of hospital in order to take him to mass. On this occasion Xavier signed another declaration published by Carlos Hugo in which he confirmed Carlos Hugo as his heir. The next day Xavier's wife Madeleine published a declaration condemning Carlos Hugo and Cecilia.

On 7 May 1977 Xavier died of a heart attack in a hospital at Zizers near Chur in Switzerland; he had been visiting his sister the Empress Zita of Austria. Xavier was buried at St. Peter's Abbey, Solesmes where three of his sisters had been nuns."
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 03:36:20 PM by grandduchessella »
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Offline Marc

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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #201 on: December 04, 2012, 05:17:49 PM »
Thnx GDElla,very informative...

Here is a picture of Comtesse de Bourbon-Busset waering a tiara in 1957:

And one picture of Madeleine's daughter Princess Francoise de Lobkowicz:

And one of her late son,Prince Robert de Lobkowicz:
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 05:31:37 PM by Marc »

Offline grandduchessella

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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #202 on: December 04, 2012, 09:36:44 PM »

"Princess Françoise of Bourbon-Parma, elected by the Fashion press as one of the World's most elegant woman on the famous International Best Dressed List among other Beauty Icons like Jackeline Kennedy, Aimee de Heeren or Audrey Hepburn. Central figure of the International High Society."

From a newspaper in 1976 recounting some recent additions to the International Best Dressed list:

"...whose husband is the Paris representative of a New York brokerage firm is small and elegantly groomed. She has always been dressed by Pierre Balmain."

She, along with Prince Charles-Henri de Lobkowicz, was at the recent Luxemburg wedding of Guillaume and Stephanie Lannoy.

Some more wedding photos:

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Offline grandduchessella

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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #203 on: December 04, 2012, 09:41:29 PM »
Interestingly, Marlene has this on her blog:

"The bride and groom are Princess Francoise Lobkowicz (1893-1964) and Franz Anton Prince von Thun und Hohenstein (1890-1973). Franz Anton was the second child but eldest son of Jaroslav Prince Thun von Hohenstein and Countess Marie Chotek v.Chotkowa u.Wognin, the elder sister of Countess Sophie Chotek, the morganatic wife of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. This wedding of Sophie's nephew took place nearly two years after Franz Ferdinand and Sophie were assassinated at Sarajevo, the event that precipitated the start of the first world war."

Whole article and photo:

So Francoise's children would be related to the ill-fated Sophie Chotek as well as the last Empress of Austria.
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Offline grandduchessella

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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #204 on: December 04, 2012, 09:48:54 PM »
Marlene also a quite lengthy article on Francoise, her husband, their marriage and her children. Her life hasn't been untouched by maternal tragedy.

"Princess Francoise gave birth to the couple's first son, Edouard-Xavier, October 19, 1960 at the American Hospital at Neuilly. On May 8, 1984, French police announced that they had found the body of Prince Edouard-Xavier' body in the Seine River, outside Paris. His parents had reported him missing on April 4, and the body was found on April 27, although his family was not notified until May 4. The body remained unidentified for several days because of an inaccurate description of the prince. The autopsy showed that the prince had been shot in the throat by a shotgun. A bullet was also in his left shoulder blade. (His murder has never been solved although a Spanish news service claims he was murdered by Moslem terrorists.)
Tragedy again hit the family on October 31, 1988, when Prince Robert, who was born in 1961, died of a brain tumor in Beirut, Lebanon. Prince Charles-Henri, who was born in 1964 is unmarried, and the youngest child, Princess Marie-Gabrielle (1967), is a nun. At age 24, the princess renounced a life of travel and haute couture clothes and joined the Little Sisters of the Poor in the United States, and "accepted the vows of extreme poverty.""

Full blog entry along with a few photos:

From mardam's site:

« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 09:59:44 PM by grandduchessella »
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Offline KarlandZita

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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #205 on: December 15, 2012, 08:00:01 AM »
René, Maria Antonia, Isabelle and Louis of Boubon Parma :

Reginei Mama Elena a Romaniei

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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #206 on: January 19, 2013, 08:14:35 AM »
Felix :

René :

and Louis :

Reginei Mama Elena a Romaniei


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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #207 on: January 31, 2013, 01:45:19 PM »
Any info on the cause of the death of Elias' third son Francesco? He died just before being 26 in Hungary.
The prince died in a accident


What kind of accident ? Car ?

What an ill fated family.

The eldest son died with polio, a daughter died after being shot at a hunting party, now this one...

What about Pr. Robert II ? He never got married. Being a descendant of Duke Robert I's first marriage, where there were a great number of handicapped children, was he handicapped too ?

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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #208 on: September 23, 2013, 05:17:31 AM »
Princess Maria Luisa, future Princess of Bulgaria


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Re: Duke Roberto I of Parma, and his family of 24 children
« Reply #209 on: September 23, 2013, 12:50:56 PM »
Her son Boris looked exactly like her in face...