I recently received a rather long message in Spanish listing many specific questions regarding the titles and styles of early Spanish monarchs and their children. I will try to answer these questions one or two at a time for all to read.
Serían de gran ayuda los COMPLETOS títulos de los RRCC, de Felipe y Juana , a ser posible en su forma original en latín. Ignoro la completa titulación de los hijos e HIJAS de Felipe y Juana ¿Archiduquesas, duquesas, infantas, princesas y los territorios de sus títulos antes de casarse.¿Exixtió el título archiduque de Borgoña? Tras la muerte de Felipe ¿Es Fernando rey o regente de Castilla?¿Fue Isabel de Avis reina de Castilla y Aragón?
English translation of the question:It would be of great asisstance to have the COMPLETE titles of the Catholic King and Queen, Felipe and Juana, if possible in their original Latin form. I ignored the complete qualification of the children and DAUGHTERS of Felipe and Juana Archduchesses, duchesses, infants, princesses and the territories of their titles before marry. Does it EXIST the title of Archduke of Burgundy? After the death of Felipe Is Fernando king or regent of Castile? Was Isabel of Avis queen of Castile and Aragon?
Ferdinand of Aragon combined his titles with those of his wife after their marriage. In 1481 he used the following titles: Ferdinandus Dei gracia Rex Castelle Aragonum Legionis Toleti Valenci Gallecie Maioricarum Hispalis Sardinie Cordube Murcie Giennis Algarbii Algezire Gibraltaris, comes Barchinone, dominus Vizcaye et Moline, Dux Athenarum et Neopatrie, comes Rossilionis et Ceritarie, Marchio Oristanni, comesque Gociani.
Here are the abbreviated titles of Juana and her son Carlos in Latin, probably taken from a seal or document: S. Johane et Karoli Dei Gra Regu Castelle Legionis Aragonu Utriusque Sicilie et Ihrlm Navarre et Granate etc Archiducu Austrie Ducum Burgundie et Brabancie etc Comitum Flandrie et Tirolis etc.
The English translation: Most Serene Juana and Carlos by the Grace of God Monarchs of Castile, Leon, Aragon both shores of Sicily and Jerusalem Navarre Granada etc Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgandy, and Brabant etc Count of Flandres and Tyrol etc.
There is no title of Archduke of Burgandy. The title of Duke of Burgandy is claimed by both King Juan Carlos of Spain and Archduke Otto of Austria-Hungary. The Grandmastership of the dual Orders of the Golden Fleece descends from their distant connections to the Duchy of Burgandy that now exists only as a historical footnote rather than an actual political division.