Is less ornate, but suffused with antique elegance: the Sala da pranzo, shiny stucco walls, columns and fluted pilasters in white Carrara marble and gilded Corinthian capitals. The statues of the “Four Seasons” in the niches are made of white Carrara marble as well. Several rooms, such as the Gabinetto etrusco, are devoted to the revival of Etruscan designs set within very evident, geometric segments and the same style is apparent in the furniture and floors. Other rooms, however, like the Galleria di Eolo, the exquisite Sala dei dignitari or Sala del caffè, the Gabinetto di Apollo have sumptuous decorations pertaining to the classical, imperial Latin period, which excavations at Pompei were bringing to light in just those very years. Palagi realised another masterpiece in the ground floor of the Castle: Carlo Alberto’s Greek bath.