In the case of Granny Alina, I don't believe she was Maria.
Look at the faces. Alina has different shade of hair, her eyebrows are not the same shape as Maria. Her eyes are not the same size. Hdr chin is also a different shape to Maria. Also why would Maria change her name to Alina?
The poor South African fellow who believes his granny was Maria is a fool.
When they dug up Alina's bones they could not match the DNA to that of Prince Phillip (he is the direct great nephew to Alix.). It turned out inconclusive cause of the dirt and decomposition of the bones.
Did Granny Alina speak just Russian and English??
The whole family mainly spoke English.
I just don't believe Granny Alina was Maria.
Granny Alina
Maria with Anastasia.
I picked a pic that had Maria wearing a hat so you can see the differences.