Discussions about Other Imperial Palaces > Palaces in Moscow

Russian Manor houses restoration and preservation

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Let me make sure I understand this proposal... This fund wants naive Americans to donate money for the restoration of manors that were stolen?  Maybe if the properties were given back to the families who own them, then they could get restored!


I'm looking eyes to eyes with you (restitution ndlr)but what concerns this fund of Mrs Roosevelt they vould not be presented as naive,they are are a non profit association who only aims at promoting russian culture by restoration of russian architecture smasterpieces taht often fall in ruins  in view of the lack of state funds...

We could thanks them among others for the restoration of Arkhangelskoye(prince's Youssoupov palace) and Isnaia Poliana(Tolstoi's field)...I hope however that some russian association folow into Rosevel's foots steps...

I've found this image of the Ambramecevo estate,do some knows more about it?

Who used to own it,do someone have another shot of it...this image is so gorgeous and romantic it akes me think to Louis II castles(probablo do I overstate...)

It would be great if domebody could find something whatever it would be!

On this page,one may find pretty beautiful image of Russia,renovating churches ,natural spaces,restored historic areas that give us a shining image of Russia if only historic vandalism do not exist...


I've alos found this image who is expected to be in Moscow but where remains such an old russian stule except the Kremlin(and it is looking as just restored)...


What a beautiful website.  I saw all the photographs, thank you very much



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