I guess this could be true but oh they seemed to suffer one blow after the other and the dates are very eerie.
If you look at a single family through 3 generations (such as Alice--her children--her grandchildren) and find a comparable situation there are probably similar situations.
I generation: Constantine (1827-1892); m. 1848 Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg (1830-1911)
II Generation 1) Nicholas (1850-1918) This son was basically lost to the family due to his numerous transgressions.
2) Olga (1851-1926); m. 1867 George I of Greece (assassinated 1913)
3) Vera (1854-1912); m.1874 Eugen, Duke of Württemberg –widowed after 3 years
4) Constantine (1858-1915); m.1884 Elisabeth of Saxe-Altenburg (1865-1927) (this branch would be especially hard hit)
5) Dimitri (1860-executed 1919) no descendants
6) Viatcheslav (1862-1879) no descendants
III Generation1) Artemy Iskander (1883-k.in Russian Civil War 1919) –son of Nicholas C.
2) Alexander Iskander (1889-1957); m. 1912 (div) Olga Rogovskya (disappeared in USSR)
3) Constantine I Greece—vilified, suffered assassination attempt (fire set), exile—recalled—exiled—died early
4) Alexandra Greece (GDss Paul) died age 21 after giving premature birth to 2nd child; her widower would be executed in 1919
5) Marie Greece —husband GD George executed by Bolsheviks
6) Olga Greece (Apr 1880-Nov 1880)
7) Ivan C (1886- executed Alapaevsk 1918); m.1911 Helena of Serbia (1884-1962)

Gabriel C (1887-1955); m.1917 Antonia Nesterovskya; m.2d 1951 Irina Kurakina (no descendants)
9) Tatiana C (1890-1979); m.1st 1911 Constantine Bagration-Moukhransky (1889-KIA 1915) leaving her w/2 small children; m.2d 1921 Alexander Korochenzov (1877-1922)
10) Constantine C (1891-executed at Alapaevsk 1918)
11) Oleg C (1892-KIA 1914 )
12) Igor C (1894-executed Alapaevsk 1918)
13) George C (1903-1938)
14) Natalia C (Mar 1905-May 1905)
15) Vera C (1906-2001)
16) Karl Eugen Wurttemberg (Apr 1875-1875) –only son
17) Olga (1876-1932); m.1898 Maximilian Schaumburg-Lippe (Olga was widowed after 6 years)
So within children, children-in-law, grandchildren & grandchildren-in-law there was a lot of early deaths, violent deaths and I didn't even count illnesses and unhappy marriages.