Sorry about not reducing the quote size.
I have no doubt that Ernie was a great guy. I don't know a whole lot about him, but I don't hold it against him that he was gay. I just don't like it when people flaunt it, because there's no need. I have the same view of straight people flaunting it. Just save it for your own home because some people don't care to see it--there's no reason. I'm glad that you don't hold it against me, Louise, that I have different views than you and everyone else on this board. I'm obviously a black sheep.
Your previous post was I'm sure meant in the nicest way, and I appreciate that.
I believe the Bible IS the enlightened way, but no one else here does, and I except that. I'm just sick of arguing. It's not good for this board or it's users. I know I've been having high blood pressure the past few days (or at least I'm assuming LOL), and no doubt I'm sure some of you have also been that angry. And that's definitely not healthy.
I hope no one takes this post as another comeback or what have you, because it's not. I simply want peace. 
If you are going to blindly believe my dear Michelle "everything" said in the Bible...girl are you in for a lot of grief.
I seem to remember that the good book says something about not judging people, it is a sin I also believe, yet in your enthusiastic youthfulness you have done so with quite great carelessness.
The Bible also says that if you wear clothes made from mixed textiles, this is an abomination...meaning that if you wear some cotton/wool blends for example, you will be headed directly to the biblical frying pan.
Eating a ham sandwich is a sin...
Eating steak and shellfish together gets you condemned as well...
Lusting after the cute guy who sits across from you in guessed a sin as well...gossiping is also a big no-no, judging (again) is also a big NO-NO...
And the list goes on...and on...and on...
Before one states a condemnation of someone else, one should realize that this is judgemental and therefore a sin. If you are going to base your opinion on what the Good Book says, you have to take it all, not just pick and choose like so many "good" Christians tend to do, just so they can go about feeling better about themselves.
If the Good Book gives you such great guidance and comfort, then perhaps you should read The Book of Ruth(1:16-17) as well as the Book of Samuel (18:1-5; 20:16-17).
I am one of the grooms whose wedding Ilana, Lisa and Bobby Hall rejoiced in and I will not, under any circumstance will I stand quietly by while a child who should know better, goes about passing judgement on me.
In utter disbelief at the bigotry so blatantly demonstrated by some,
Arturo Beéche