Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tsarevich Alexei Nicholaievich
Alexei Nicholaievich's stats
I think he was nine. The incident took place in one of Gibbes first lessons with Alexei.
aleksandr pavlovich:
Reflecting on Replies # 49 on this thread (Ann), and #36 ("Dust of History") in a related thread previously mentioned: it appears, if I understand correctly, that the Heir cut (no pun intended) a bald spot on his OWN hair and did NOT mutilate the tutor's hair, as first seemed to be suggested. AP
Yes. Alexei first wanted to cut Mr Gibbes hair but Gibbes refused. Then Alexei cut his OWN hair, wherupon Gibbes said that Alexei had cut a bald spot on his head. But I think Gibbes just wanted to keep the Heir from doing that again.
--- Quote from: Gorseheart on May 31, 2010, 02:46:06 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sarushka on May 31, 2010, 06:56:32 AM ---
--- Quote from: Gorseheart on May 30, 2010, 10:39:24 PM ---I do know he had a certain laugh that gave people the chills, because it was his "Sinister" prank laugh.
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Interesting. Do you know the source for that info? I've not heard of that before.
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I've picked this information up in a book, but there are several quotes, like here's one from: "The Romanovs & Mr. Gibbs"-
"There were several battles involving scissors. 'I had a rather bad quarter' Gibbes wrote in dismay. 'He wanted to cut my hair off and he was rather disconcerted when I told him he had made a bald place...he would insist on cutting or pretending to cut everything. The more I tried to prevent him, the more he shrieked with delight' Gibbes noted, with disapproval, a change in the Tsarevitch's appearance during these outbursts. 'He doesn't look handsome then: a most curious expression.' At the time Gibbes had no idea the Tsarevitch was a hemophiliac. Had he known, he would have been considerably more disturbed by the boy's antics."
(Please understand, I pick my information up from very reliable sources, never those stupid "Dating sites". Plus I've found numerous times when others have failed to quote. But this is only one of the quotes, when I find the other, I'll put it up. So please, don't be rude, I can be smart about a subject too.)
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As I pointed out in a parallel thread, this passage was misquoted significantly. Text in italics was omitted from Gorseheart's post:
"There were several battles involving scissors. 'I had rather a bad quarter,' Gibbes wrote in dismay. 'He wanted to cut my hair, and afterwards his own, and when I tried to prevent him, he went behind the curtain and held it round him. When I opened it he had actually cut some hair off and was rather disconcerted when I told him he had made a bald place... he would insist on cutting or pretending to cut everything."
(The Romanovs and Mr. Gibbes, pg 42.)
I won't tolerate remarks about rudeness from someone who's misrepresenting information.
--- Quote from: Sarushka on June 02, 2010, 09:27:31 AM ---
--- Quote from: Gorseheart on May 31, 2010, 02:46:06 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sarushka on May 31, 2010, 06:56:32 AM ---
--- Quote from: Gorseheart on May 30, 2010, 10:39:24 PM ---I do know he had a certain laugh that gave people the chills, because it was his "Sinister" prank laugh.
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Interesting. Do you know the source for that info? I've not heard of that before.
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I've picked this information up in a book, but there are several quotes, like here's one from: "The Romanovs & Mr. Gibbs"-
"There were several battles involving scissors. 'I had a rather bad quarter' Gibbes wrote in dismay. 'He wanted to cut my hair off and he was rather disconcerted when I told him he had made a bald place...he would insist on cutting or pretending to cut everything. The more I tried to prevent him, the more he shrieked with delight' Gibbes noted, with disapproval, a change in the Tsarevitch's appearance during these outbursts. 'He doesn't look handsome then: a most curious expression.' At the time Gibbes had no idea the Tsarevitch was a hemophiliac. Had he known, he would have been considerably more disturbed by the boy's antics."
(Please understand, I pick my information up from very reliable sources, never those stupid "Dating sites". Plus I've found numerous times when others have failed to quote. But this is only one of the quotes, when I find the other, I'll put it up. So please, don't be rude, I can be smart about a subject too.)
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As I pointed out in a parallel thread, this passage was misquoted significantly. Text in italics was omitted from Gorseheart's post:
"There were several battles involving scissors. 'I had rather a bad quarter,' Gibbes wrote in dismay. 'He wanted to cut my hair, and afterwards his own, and when I tried to prevent him, he went behind the curtain and held it round him. When I opened it he had actually cut some hair off and was rather disconcerted when I told him he had made a bald place... he would insist on cutting or pretending to cut everything."
(The Romanovs and Mr. Gibbes, pg 42.)
I won't tolerate remarks about rudeness from someone who's misrepresenting information.
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Calm down I haven't been here long enough to learn the bells or whistles. I haven't gotten 1 kind comment. I got one from you once, but I take that back.
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