Jelena's official debut was at the Smolny Institute Annual Ball in 1888. The 24 year old heir to the Russian throne invited her to open the ball with a pollonaise. St Petersburg was full of rumours that they would have a Slav rather than a German Empress. Sadly a distressing incident happened at a ball hosted by the Yusupovs in 1890. A quarrel broke out between two noblemen over her dance partner which ended in a duel. Prince Arsen of Serbia wounded Baron von Mannerheim ( future ruler of Finland) and the scandal led to the Princess being recalled to Cetinje. However this brought her to the notice of the Queen of Italy who was worried at the biological inbreeding of the royal house (and would be a useful political bridge into the balkans). Prince Vittorio Emanuelle met his future Queen in May 1896 on the occasion of the Tsars coronation in Moscow, it was love at first sight.
This is from " the Court of king Nikola" by petar cukovic