Author Topic: King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia  (Read 208947 times)

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Re: King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia
« Reply #150 on: March 26, 2014, 06:56:42 PM »
Король и королева Швеции прибыли с двухдневным визитом в Латвию.

Шведская королевская чета будет находиться в Риге 26 и 27 марта. Цель их государственного визита — подтвердить и укрепить тесные и дружественные культурные, политически и экономические отношения* между Швецией и Латвией.
The King and Queen of Sweden arrived for a two-day visit in Latvia.

The Swedish royal couple will be in Riga 26th and 27th of March. The purpose of their state visit is to reaffirm and strengthen the close and friendly cultural, political and economic relations* between Sweden and Latvia.


*Убитый премьер-министр Швеции Улоф Пальме проводил лето своего детства на усадьбе Скангал за пределами Риги, который принадлежал родителям матери. Его прадед Александр фон Книрим был членом Правительствующего cената Российской империи.
The murdered Swedish prime minister Olof Palme spent the summers of his childhood on the manor of Skangal outside Riga, which belonged to his maternal grandparents. His great grandfather Alexander von Knieriem was a member of the Governing Senate of the Russian Empire.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 07:21:21 PM by Превед »
Берёзы севера мне милы,—
Их грустный, опущённый вид,
Как речь безмолвная могилы,
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia
« Reply #151 on: April 05, 2014, 05:32:17 PM »
Визит шведских монархов празднует 400-летию установления дипломатических отношений между двумя Королевствами (5 апреля 1614 год).
Visit of the Swedish monarchs celebrates 400th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two kingdoms (5th of April 1614).

Можно сказать, что Голландская республика держал как Швеция и Россия, как его протеже, импорта сырья (железо, лесных, зерновых) от обоих, снабжая их промышленной экспертизы и финансового капитала и и позволить им бороться друг против друга в ожесточенных войн.
One can say that the Dutch Republic kept both Sweden and Russia as its protegés, importing raw materials (iron, timber, grain) from both, supplying them with industrial expertise and financial capital and playing them out against each other in fierce wars!

See and
« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 05:54:47 PM by Превед »
Берёзы севера мне милы,—
Их грустный, опущённый вид,
Как речь безмолвная могилы,
Горячку сердца холодит.

(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

Offline Превед

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Re: King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia
« Reply #152 on: February 19, 2019, 03:56:18 PM »
I'm watching a Swedish portrait interview with Queen Silvia (Queen Silvia at 75 looks back, with Claes Elfsberg from STV) with discussion about her background, and I'm getting a more nuanced picture of her family's infamous past:

The factory in Berlin which her father Walther Sommerlath bought very cheaply in an Aryanisation process in the late 1930s, belonged to a Jew called Efim / Ernst Wechsler, who was born as a subject of Alexander III, in the pogrom-ridden Chișinău / Kishinev in Bessarabia, modern Moldovia, and who emigrated to Germany ca. 1900. He was able to emigrate to Brazil before WW2 and escape the Holocaust with his family, perhaps partially because (not Silvia's claim, but my speculation) he was compensated for his factory with Sommerlath's parts in a Brazilean coffee plantation and other land in Brazil. Here is his Swedish Wikipedia page.

Queen Silvia's two homelands, Brazil and Germany, were actually at war during WW2. Her mother's brother served as a surgeon in the Brazilean expeditionary force in Italy, who fought on the Allied side in the Battle of Monte Cassino etc. He survived, but never talked about it. (In general, Silvia's upper middle class family never talked about anything "bad".) Her mother suffered from severe depression during Silvia's childhood and youth, partially from the stresses brought on by WW2, when her land of birth and the adopted homeland she came to live in, were at war.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2019, 04:17:22 PM by Превед »
Берёзы севера мне милы,—
Их грустный, опущённый вид,
Как речь безмолвная могилы,
Горячку сердца холодит.

(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

Offline JamesAPrattIII

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Re: King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia
« Reply #153 on: October 17, 2019, 07:18:32 PM »
Recently King Carl XVI Gustav has removed the royal titles from 5 of his grand children. Anyone know why?

Offline GDSophie

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Re: King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia
« Reply #154 on: October 19, 2019, 04:06:22 AM »
It's unclear. It seems this was the wish of Prince Carl and his wife and Princess Madeleine and her husband, who didn't seem to be phased about the change and praised that it would allow their children to choose their own futures. Unless something terrible happens to the Crown Princesses children they won't be close to having the throne anyway. It's possible if something does happen, their titles would be given back. They still have their titles of 'Duke' and 'Duchess' of their respected duchies though.
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Re: King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia
« Reply #155 on: November 02, 2019, 09:37:36 AM »
Seems pretty confused to give them a princely and ducal title in the first place, when they are not supposed to be royals. Since their princely titles formally are hereditary, they kind of constitute a new class of princely nobility, like the Russian Rurikid princely families!
Берёзы севера мне милы,—
Их грустный, опущённый вид,
Как речь безмолвная могилы,
Горячку сердца холодит.

(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)