Открытие Парламента в Норвегии - 2015
Вчера, 2 октября, состоялось ежегодное открытие парламента Норвегии - Стортинг. На открытии парламента присутствовали король Харальд, королева Соня и кронпринц Хокон. В ходе церемонии, король Харальд произнес ежегодную тронною речь.
Opening of Parliament in Norway - 2015
Yesterday, October 2, the annual opening of the Parliament of Norway - Storting was held. At the opening of parliament attended King Harald, Queen Sonja and Crown Prince Haakon. During the ceremony, King Harald said his annual speech from the throne.
http://ru-royalty.livejournal.com/3402745.htmlThis was the 200th anniversary of the opening of the first proper parliament in 1815 (opened by Namestnik / Lord Lieutenant Hans Henric von Essen) and the most noteworthy incident was that the King jumped one of the pages of the speech handed to him by Prime Minister Erna Solberg and did not read it, something for which the palace apologized later.