As far as the khodynka cup, I apologize but I don't have any answer to offer you, Prussian P. Hopefully someone else can help you. I am actually coming to this thread with my own question.
I recently came across a thick volume entitled something like "The Ladies of the Winter Palace." It looks (and smells =D) like a very old old that I believe it doesn't include any background on the more recent Grand Duchesses though it seems like it might have been an authoritive text at one time and place. It is in relatively good condition, especially considering how old the book is, and was marked at $30, which I think is a reasonable price. Unfortunately, the author's name escapes me. I am wondering if anybody is familiar with this text and can tell me if they think it would make a nice addition to my collection and whether they think the price is reasonable or even a great value. Thank you in advance for any help!
On a more upscale note, that is a very beautiful trophy you have there, GDDimitri! Congratulations!