Author Topic: Six Wives of Henry VIII  (Read 39923 times)

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Six Wives of Henry VIII
« on: July 14, 2005, 07:16:09 PM »
Ok first I would like to say WOOHOO that a Tudor thread is finally up.

Next: Six wives of Henry VIII were a pretty important factor in Tudor history.I would like to teach a little bit to the non-Tudor addicts.

Catherine of Aragon: Daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. First was married to Henry's brother Arthur until Arthur died. She lived in obscurity for 8 yrs until Henry came to the throne and married her. They had one daughter,Mary.Henry turned his interests to many other women at times but Catherine kept on with a kind of quiet dignity. Henry then fell in love with Anne bolyn. He was excommunicated from Rome, divorced Catherine and left her with only a couple of her Spanish ladies-in-waiting.

More to come....


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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2005, 07:26:25 PM »
She was sent to many castles around England, each one more worse than the one before. She was genuinely popular with her people-thus why they disliked Anne boleyn, who was Now Queen and pregnant with Henry's hoped-to-be son.......

Catherine died in 1535?? at Kimbolton Castle.Henry and Anne paraded in yellow at her death. Her daughter, Mary, was stripped of her title as Princess.


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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2005, 07:34:05 PM »
Anne Boleyn:

Daughter of Sir Thomas Boleyn and Elizabeth Howard.

At the age of 12 she was sent to the court of Margaret of Austria in the Netherlands,where Margaret was higly pleased with her and encouraged her with her learning.

She then went to the court of Queen Claude of France in France,where she learned French grace,manners, and style.

She was then sent to England to become a lady-in waiting to Catherine of Aragon, where she caught the eye of Henry Percy,soon to become Earl of Northumberland.

Percy's family did not like the match and Cardinal Wolsey, the Kings adviser stepped in. Percy broke off the match and then married Lady Mary Talbot.

She had won another admirer at Court-the King. He went after her but she rejected him for a long time.

More to come....


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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2005, 07:43:33 PM »
She deliberately ignored his letters until until he came to her home instead.

Anne finally succumbed, but on one condition- she must become his wife.

She got what she wanted-Henry made him self Supreme Head of the Chruch in England and divorced Catherine of Aragon in his own right.

He married Anne in a secret ceremony-Anne was 6 months pregnant.He coronated her soon after.

Anne gave birth to a daughter-Elizabeth-not the hoped-for son. She made Henry promises that a son was soon to follow.She had 3 more miscarriges after that and Henry soon tired of her.He had a new love -the modest,submissive Jane Seymour-and wanted to marry her. He bgan searching for ways to get rid of Anne. He did. He put her on trial for trumped-up charges of adultry. She was beheaded on 19 May 1536.


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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2005, 07:50:27 PM »
Jane Seymour-daughter of Sir John Seymour and Margery Wentworth.

A lady-in waiting to Catherine of Aragon AND Anne Boleyn .

As one of Anne's ladies-in-waiting she caught the King's eye. He started showering her with presents-but she modestly refused them.

When Anne Boleyn was beheaded she moved in to her apartments.She was soon pregnant. She gave birth to son, Edward-but died 10 days after. with childbed fever.

Im sorry but I don't know much a bout Jane seymour-people are welcome to add.


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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2005, 09:09:20 PM »
He married Anne in a secret ceremony-Anne was 6 months pregnant.He coronated her soon after.

Actually, the secret wedding was around 25 January, so she would have been barely a month pregnant at that point. When she was crowned in June, however, she was six months pregnant. Henry married her almost the moment she found out she was pregnant. Sorry, just have to be a pain in the @$$ about this one. Anne is my favourite of the wives, hence me going as her for Halloween. ::)



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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2005, 09:19:02 PM »
Some more about Jane Seymour...

She had two older brothers who were to become highly important in the reign of her son, Edward VI. Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, became Lord Protector and was eventually beheaded in 1552 for treason, but first, he was instrumental in the execution of the second Seymour brother, Thomas, also for treason. Thomas Seymour was famous for marrying Katherine Parr, engaging in a rather dangerous flirtation with Princess Elizabeth, and attempting to kidnap Edward VI to remove him from the influence of the Lord Protector.

Jane was a good Catholic, trying to intercede with Henry on behalf of the leaders of the Pilgrimage of Grace in the north in 1536, a protest against the closure of the monasteries and the separation from the Chuch in Rome. Henry told her promptly that she wasn't to interfere in matters beyond her place, and she never did again. Jane is the wife Henry is buried beside, and the only wife in a portrait with him (the famous Hans Holbein with Henry's three children). She was the most mourned by Henry, though rumours were spread almost immediately upon her death that Henry had been faced with the dreaded 'mother or child' decision and chosen the baby, saying that he could always find another wife. This was almost certainly not the case, nor did Jane have a C-section. Her cause of death was childbed fever, the number one killer in childbirth.



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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2005, 09:19:23 PM »

Actually, the secret wedding was around 25 January, so she would have been barely a month pregnant at that point. When she was crowned in June, however, she was six months pregnant. Henry married her almost the moment she found out she was pregnant. Sorry, just have to be a pain in the @$$ about this one. Anne is my favourite of the wives, hence me going as her for Halloween. ::)


Thats ok.....everybody is allowed an opinion :) :) Now, I dont mean to be a pain in  the @$$ either-Im just biased to catherine of Aragon and anna of cleves.


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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2005, 09:21:54 PM »
Some more about Jane Seymour...

She had two older brothers who were to become highly important in the reign of her son, Edward VI. Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, became Lord Protector and was eventually beheaded in 1552 for treason, but first, he was instrumental in the execution of the second Seymour brother, Thomas, also for treason. Thomas Seymour was famous for marrying Katherine Parr, engaging in a rather dangerous flirtation with Princess Elizabeth, and attempting to kidnap Edward VI to remove him from the influence of the Lord Protector.

Jane was a good Catholic, trying to intercede with Henry on behalf of the leaders of the Pilgrimage of Grace in the north in 1536, a protest against the closure of the monasteries and the separation from the Chuch in Rome. Henry told her promptly that she wasn't to interfere in matters beyond her place, and she never did again. Jane is the wife Henry is buried beside, and the only wife in a portrait with him (the famous Hans Holbein with Henry's three children). She was the most mourned by Henry, though rumours were spread almost immediately upon her death that Henry had been faced with the dreaded 'mother or child' decision and chosen the baby, saying that he could always find another wife. This was almost certainly not the case, nor did Jane have a C-section. Her cause of death was childbed fever, the number one killer in childbirth.


Wasnt Henry going to make Jane "Queen of the Catholics" or something like that??


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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2005, 09:49:36 PM »
Thats ok.....everybody is allowed an opinion :) :) Now, I dont mean to be a pain in  the @$$ either-Im just biased to catherine of Aragon and anna of cleves.

I'm a rather big fan of Anna von Cleves, too. I think she was much more intelligent than most people realise, and I think Henry calling her ugly was really his reflection on her of her reaction to him (gone was the 'handsomest prince in Christendom'). I find her quite lovely from her Holbein portrait, and I don't think Holbein was flattering her all that much. It was too much of a risk, angering Henry. Also, she was smart enough to keep Henry at arms' length until the divorce, but close enough to be his 'beloved sister' after the divorce. She got out of Cleves and out from under her brother's thumb, she didn't have to stay married to Henry, and she got quite a divorce settlement out of him. She also outlived all the other wives, so she really ended up the best off of the six of them.

I have a feeling we're going to have the Catherine of Aragon vs Anne Boleyn/Mary vs Elizabeth camps established fairly shortly. There doesn't tend to be much middle ground on those...*wry smile* That's what makes this fun, though.



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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2005, 09:52:50 PM »
Catherine of Aragon: Daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. First was married to Henry's brother Arthur until Arthur died. She lived in obscurity for 8 yrs until Henry came to the throne and married her.

Seven years, actually. 1502-1509, and Catherine's father, King Ferdinand, actually made her the Spanish ambassador at some point, to make Henry VII take notice of her and keep her a bit better.

They had one daughter,Mary.

As well as one son, Henry, who died at two months, and several stillbirths and/or deaths in infancy. Something like eight or nine pregnancies, and Mary was the only survivor. I think she was the last pregnancy but one, but this is off the top of my head and probably not to be trusted.

I don't mean to keep nitpicking, and I'm certainly not trying to tear you to shreds, I just like to make sure information is as complete as possible, considering how many people are fairly new to this subject, and it's one of my strongest areas.



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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2005, 09:53:16 PM »
Anna of Cleves- daughter of Duke William III of Cleves?? and Marie of Julich

First engaged to Francis of Lorriane.

Was considered for Hnery VIII along with her sisters-Sybilla and Amelia.

When Henry VIII saw her, he apparently stated that they had sent a "Flanders mare" instead of a princess!!OUCH!!!

More to come............


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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2005, 09:57:25 PM »

Actually, the secret wedding was around 25 January, so she would have been barely a month pregnant at that point. When she was crowned in June, however, she was six months pregnant. Henry married her almost the moment she found out she was pregnant. Sorry, just have to be a pain in the @$$ about this one. Anne is my favourite of the wives, hence me going as her for Halloween. ::)


Thank you Arianwen for helping to keep the facts straight.


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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2005, 09:59:34 PM »
I agree with you, Arianwen, about Anne of Cleves.  She certainly played her cards better than any wife of Henry (with possible exception of Jane Seymour). I've always found her extremely interesting.  I just could never believe that she could have been THAT devastatingly ugly. The "beloved sister" thing was ingeneous, and it proved to be her salvation. Certainly the luckiest of Henry's wives. From what I've read, she was intelligent, politically astute, and quick-witted, learned English in a very short time.  Henry enjoyed playing parlor games with her, and she often enjoyed travelling with the court.


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Re: Six Wives of Henry VIII
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2005, 09:59:50 PM »
Wasnt Henry going to make Jane "Queen of the Catholics" or something like that??

That's not something I've ever heard of, so my guess would be no. Any idea where you read/heard that one?
