Some more about Jane Seymour...
She had two older brothers who were to become highly important in the reign of her son, Edward VI. Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, became Lord Protector and was eventually beheaded in 1552 for treason, but first, he was instrumental in the execution of the second Seymour brother, Thomas, also for treason. Thomas Seymour was famous for marrying Katherine Parr, engaging in a rather dangerous flirtation with Princess Elizabeth, and attempting to kidnap Edward VI to remove him from the influence of the Lord Protector.
Jane was a good Catholic, trying to intercede with Henry on behalf of the leaders of the Pilgrimage of Grace in the north in 1536, a protest against the closure of the monasteries and the separation from the Chuch in Rome. Henry told her promptly that she wasn't to interfere in matters beyond her place, and she never did again. Jane is the wife Henry is buried beside, and the only wife in a portrait with him (the famous Hans Holbein with Henry's three children). She was the most mourned by Henry, though rumours were spread almost immediately upon her death that Henry had been faced with the dreaded 'mother or child' decision and chosen the baby, saying that he could always find another wife. This was almost certainly not the case, nor did Jane have a C-section. Her cause of death was childbed fever, the number one killer in childbirth.