Elizabeth I was one of the most brilliant rulers of all time, not just England. She knew how to create a image like her father did, but one that not only was of splendor, and magnificence, but one of real substance. She was what she purported to be, and thus she wins respect for what she really was not just the glitter that fades with time as in the case of her father. She was very tolerant, pragmatic, and non emotional about things in an age when people were all the above and who often put their own good represented as the people's good in front of the people's actual good. She is to be admired, and many things she said are great quotes even now, and very modern as well. I can think of some other things she said, among them '' There is only one God, and the rest is a dispute about trifles'', that show how enlightened she was for the age she lived in.