Author Topic: Emperor Peter III, life and death  (Read 59516 times)

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Re: Emperor Peter III, life and death
« Reply #105 on: September 27, 2007, 09:24:16 AM »
Are there any portraits of Sergie Saltykov in existance? I would love to see if there is a resemblance between Peter III and him!

Offline Romanov_fan

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Re: Emperor Peter III, life and death
« Reply #106 on: September 27, 2007, 10:06:14 AM »
I believe that I have a seen a few in various biographies of Catherine the Great, or books about the Romanovs ( I've read too many!). I can't remember which ones though. I hope somebody who can will post a portrait for you to see. Based on what I've read and seen, it is my opinion that there is little resemblence. He actually seems to resemble his alleged father Peter III, more. But, who knows? I will see if I can locate any portraits of Sergei Saltykov to post or direct you to.


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Re: Emperor Peter III, life and death
« Reply #107 on: September 27, 2007, 01:03:05 PM »
Thank you so much, any help i would be very grateful for, i read in a historical novel that Peter III had a uncle named George, did you ever hear of this person? I have looked for information on him but could not find any.

Offline lori_c

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Re: Emperor Peter III, life and death
« Reply #108 on: September 27, 2007, 01:11:15 PM »
Are there any portraits of Sergie Saltykov in existance? I would love to see if there is a resemblance between Peter III and him!

There is one in a biography of Catherine the Great called Great Catherine.  I am not sure of the Author - but that is the name of the book. Hope it helps a little. 

BTW,  Saltykov and Paul look  nothing alike if you judge from the portrait of Saltykov in that book.  But Peter and Paul have strong resemblance.

Offline ivanushka

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Re: Emperor Peter III, life and death
« Reply #109 on: September 27, 2007, 01:17:32 PM »
Thank you so much, any help i would be very grateful for, i read in a historical novel that Peter III had a uncle named George, did you ever hear of this person? I have looked for information on him but could not find any.

Yes, that uncle did exist.  He was actually more of second cousin to Peter, being the younger brother of Catherine the Great's mother, Johanna.  In fact, at one point, just before Catherine left for Russia, he was in love with her and wanted her to marry him!


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Re: Emperor Peter III, life and death
« Reply #110 on: September 27, 2007, 04:38:52 PM »
Thanks everyone for all the information! you have really helped a lot!


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Re: Emperor Peter III, life and death
« Reply #111 on: December 29, 2009, 12:14:49 PM »
In addition to abolishing the mandatory service of the gentry, Peter III made (or prepared to make) another changes:
- Abolished the fearsome Secret Chancery (re-established by Catherine II as the Secret Expedition);
- Declared the freedom of religion (revoked by Catherine);
- Ordered the persecutions of Old Believers to be stopped (resumed by Catherine);
- Freed the monastery-owned serfs;
- Permitted the gentry to travel abroad freely (canceled by Catherine);
- Introduced the publicity of court proceedings (canceled by Catherine);
- Ordered military and civil officials to be rewarded with orders and ranks only, but not with serfs (resumed by Catherine immediately upon the coup); and more.

No wonder that the coup was actually greeted by a few outside the circle of Guards officers headed by the Orlov brothers. It also explains why the Pugachev revolt (under the Peter III's banner) was so widely supported.

Readings that I have done concerning Peter III seem to give me the historical impression that he was, albeit not seen at the time, the first true egalitarian ruler of the modern eras, being quite liberal and wishing to see humanity served and honored amongst his people. There is a further study that I have conducted with viewpoints of contexts between Elizabeth who ruled prior to him, and her own entanglements of powers. In truth, the family that got mixed up with Czarena Catherine II, were the same who had enjoyed great priviledges and powers under Elizabeth, entirely unchecked, in fact. I researched, and discovered that it seems that likely the "coup-de'tat" was a savage betrayal with a financial purpose. The makers of the coins of the treasury had stripped the coins only half way and reminted existing with half the measure of silver, and pocketed the rest. Peter III was in their way. One such coin is held in the Yale University Library. I also do believe that all of Catherine II's children were born from him, and that the lies of his and hers not getting along are likewise a fiction enough to cover up the crimes. Of course, this is my own opinion after studying with a view of orientation, that Peter III was not as the books have painted him. I looked at the changes that he made and attempted to make. I further look upon the later alienation of the original criminals when she created the first set of codified laws of Russia. I perceived she to be of like mind with Peter III, rather than disconnected from his. History is a server of men who have tongues to wag it.

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Re: Emperor Peter III, life and death
« Reply #112 on: December 30, 2009, 09:22:26 AM »
Are there any portraits of Sergie Saltykov in existance? I would love to see if there is a resemblance between Peter III and him!

I've only ever seen one portrait reproduced, and only in black and white:

I wouldn't actually say Paul looked like either Peter III or Sergei Saltykov very much, though around the eyes he had a strong look of Catherine. 

Offline Ausmanov

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Re: Emperor Peter III, life and death
« Reply #113 on: November 13, 2013, 12:56:47 AM »
WOW, is this an interesting thread, I plan to try and write a book on Peter III, I cant wait to read more
God never closes a door without opening a window


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Re: Emperor Peter III, life and death
« Reply #114 on: December 15, 2013, 03:34:19 PM »
There is an existing portrait of Saltykov at .  Catherine the Great was not just attracted to good looking men but was married to Potemkin who was overweight, blind in one eye and never combed his hair. He was intelligent. As for the paternity of her son, she had every reason to state it was not Peter III who she probably had killed but no one knows the truth. She said before the small pox Peter III who she knew in Germany was good looking and bright.