i thought to revive this old topic as part of my 'revelations after reading on google books' phase. i remember i had quite a debate on this subject with arianwen and she at some point use as argument (on him not killing the princes) the fact that elizabeth woodville trusted him enough to give prince richard in custody to him.
here's an interesting quote i've come across, from agnes strickland "Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest":
"Gloucester's next object was to get posession of prince Richard, then safe with the queen. After a long and stormy debate, between the ecclesiastical peers and the temporal peers, it was decided that there might be sanctuary men andr women, but as children could commit no crime for which an asylum was needed, the privileges of sanctuary could not extend to them; therefore the duke of Gloucester, who was now recognized as lord-protector, could posess himself of his nephew by force if he pleased."
tbh, i don't see any source for this quote (the bolded part is a quote in the book)... so does anyone know anything more on this subject? (all you yorkists out there seem to know quite a lot on richard, maybe you remember anything on this topic). because if the quote is correct, the church simply allowed richard to take his nephew by denying him right of sanctuary, therefore elizabeth woodville did not 'entrust' him into his uncle's hands.
this by no means cancels other arguments in favour of richard not being the killer. it's just a small contradiction i encountered that i intend to clarify.