This information comes from The Court of the Last Tsar: Pomp, Power and Pageanry in the Reign of Nicholas II by Greg King.
In the Empress's Suite: (highest to lowest ranking)
Mistress of the Robes (ober-gofmeistererina starshaya dama) and the Senior Lady-in-Waiting (dames a potrait) :They acted as an intermediary between the empress and her suite, supervised and trained the ladies-in-waiting, and delegated their appointments. She would attended all offical and state functions, personally present important diplomats and guests to the Empress ans served as the Emperor offical hostess in his wifes absence from ordinary luncheons and dinners. On important cerimonial occasions she immediatley followed the empress in procession and kept the roster of the Empress's Suite.
Reserved for married women of many years service, who position was distinguishedby the Empress's Personal Order, a small oval portrait of Alexandra painted on ivory, surrounded by diamonds, and hung upon a blue moire bow.
Ladies in Waiting (starshiye dami) : Were well trained: they never intruded, always walked serveral steps behind the Empress and rarely spoke. At the Palace they routinely dealt with correspondance, answering numerous requests that came to the Empress and arranged ordinary requests for audiences. They were forbidden to be seen on public transport; they were provided with court carriages or motorcars.
Personal Ladies-in-Waiting (kamer-frelini) :Worked on a rotationg basis spending two weeks on duty, with four weeks off. The alternated holidays and vacations with other women. On public occasion, at least on attended the Empress, holding flowers, handing her speeches, acting as an escort and smoothering over any problems.
Ordinary Ladies-in-Waiting (Kaval' er-dami) or dames of the Order of St. Catherine
Maids of honor (freilini)