Well, the third link is for a book for sale, and is not the whole bio. The first link is attempting to prove he was for real. The second link is a more balanced biography.
Briefly translating and summarizing, he was born in the Savoie region of France in 1849 to a poor family. He went to an uncle's in Lyon at age 14, where he worked in his uncle's butcher shop and studied at Saint Barbara's. It is said that during this time he began to have "manifestations" and perform "healings", but he later said that he himself never could remember them afterwards. He went to medical school, where he "showed great intelligence." he did not earn a medical degree. It was also said that he told some doctors not to operate on certain patients, who all were healed prior to their scheduled surgery.
He married a very wealthy daughter of an industrialist.
There were many reports of his healing sick people with just a touch or a word in the 1880s and 90s, but he was also found guilty of being a charlatan at least four times. Yet, after some years, the doctors of Lyon stopped accusing him, and started sending him their most hopeless cases. It is reported that phylloxera disease wiped out all the vineyards in the region except HIS...
At Compiegne in 1901, GD Militza presented him to Nicholas and Alexandra. He was later invited to Tsarskoie Selo. Nicholas is said to have asked the French government to grant him a medical diploma, but they were insulted (supposedly).
He died in the 1920s.