The floor is yours GDElla...give us your best...... 
I'll do my best.

I'm going to try to find some 'new' photos.
Regarding her shyness: 'Princess May was now fourteen. For some years she had been taken to children's parties and to dancing classes. At all of these she suffered considerably, for, once outside the home circle, she was, and for many, many years remained, infintely shy. The psychological causes of this major handicap are not far to seek: for the Duchess of Teck's impulsive, entertaining and at time indiscreet conversation was hard for a growing daughter to rival. The girl reacted against it by becoming a silent listener and observer. The Duchess was a devoted parent, but she could often seem an embarassing one...At Taglioni's dancing classes...the other children would giggle when they saw that Princess May's mother needed two gilt chairs, not one, to sit upon. Princess May was accutely conscious that her mother might at any moment appear in an absurd light to those who did not know her...She was perfectly aware of her own shyness, but, like most sensitive children, she did not know how it could best be overcome. The Duchess of Teck only made it worse by applying her own rough-and-ready method for curing shyness...which was to refer in company to this shyness in the presence of the wretched girl herself.' At one party when May was 13 she tried to hide behind MA in the procession and her 'teeth were chattering with fright'.