Hey you all!!!!!
I recently bought myself a fantastic royal (jewel) book, ‘The Royal Jewels by Suzy Menkes. Absolutely a wonderful book containing beautiful pictures. With some great anecdotes about the royal family. I was reading the chapter about Queen Mary.. And the last few sentences of this chapter, I would like to share with you all.
Here we go: (From The Royal Jewels) ‘Queen Mary was to live on fore nearly twenty years, majestic, indomitable, clearing the woods at Badminton where she was evacuated during the Second World War, facing stoically the deaths of two more of her sons- the Duke of Kent in a plane crash in August 1942, King George VI of cancer ten years later.
Once she and the monarchy that she nurtured and cherished, had survived the Abdication, both seemed as tough and indestructible as the diamonds she adored.’
Isn’t it touching! In the book their a also two pictures of pages of her Dress book. Where she listed her jewels and clothes she whore on different occasions. Like Alexander1917 was revering to. I will try to post them later.
But fore now this wonderful portrait of a 'true Queen' with here jewels she adored.