There is a book in Russian on Nicholas Alexandrovich, that was published three years ago, but does not seem to have been mentioned here: Tatiana Verbitskaya: The Emperor who was not to be. Grand duke Nicholas Alexandrovich (1843-1865) (Вербицкая Татьяна. Несостоявщийся император. Великий князь Николай Александрович (1843 -1865). М: Изд. Центрополиграф, 2010 350(2)c)
Also, Dutch scholar in Russian poetry, Kees Verheul wrote an astonishing book called Villa Bermond (in Dutch 1992, in Russian 2000), in which historical and autobiographic themes are intertwined. Villa Bermond, of course, is the mansion where Nicholas Alexandrovich died.....
The main theme of Kees Verheul's book (first in a series of four. The second Stormsonate, Соната "Буря" in Dutch 2006, in Russian 2010) is the story of the family Tyutchev, its main character is the famous poet Fedor Tyutchev.