Not as cruel & devious as his predecessor Richard III, who murdered his own nephews. I love the way the Ricardists try to revise history. He looks like someone who keeps his own counsel, and wisely so.
Hey, hey, what about the Tudorists and THEIR revision of history after Richard's death? Don't even get me started on More's shoddy scholarship...
Also, keep in mind that Richard has been twice tried and twice acquitted by modern-day courts of the murders of his nephews. I mean, your opinion is your opinion, but please don't state it as fact. We don't even know if the boys died during Richard's reign, let alone that he had them killed. I'm not too fond of Henry VII, but I'm certainly not going to go about insulting him. He was an extremely able administrator, and he seems to have genuinely cared for his wife, as we have reports of him being grief-stricken at her death, and he never did remarry, despite negotiations. He left his son a full treasury, a throne mostly secure, and a carefully-acquired prestige among the other courts of Europe. None too shoddy for a Welsh adventurer...
