Dearest Tsar Doug:
Y'know, I
told you you needed more than sun lotion and an umbrella whilst searching for The Girl from Ipanema, i.e., more like exceptionally high-powered binoculars, T.D.
Also, please forward my condolences to Tashenka and all cho-co-LA-te aficiendos re: the unintentionally flaming dessert. (Ay, que malo!
As for the Germans and all the cold and snow . . . well, reminds me of my days in Yalta. (The Germans that is. Not the cold and snow.)
And I don't know . . . thar wuz nuthin' quite lak Roy 'n' Day'l singin' "Happy Trails to You." Fact is, once upon-a time I wuz thinkin' about gettin' Day'l to a nunnery so I could marry Roy mah self. 'Course, then I larned that he wuz only 5'4" to my 6'. Shock o'mah life. But shoot, that thar Pat Boone . . . I don' 'spect he ever got hisself up on-a horse, did he? So y'see, size ain't everythang!
Now, as for Taraskov . . . well, I'd think twice before taking up semi-permanent habitat at that particular locale, for remember that below the equator everything is reversed. Which means that those of us pampered lily-white claimants will be carrying trays or working in the fields, and those with skins of a darker hue will be sitting back in rocking chairs and swingseats on the west verandah, lording it over you-uns and me. Not exactly my cup of mint julep, tho' with apologies to our dashing rhyme-masters, it's a bit of poetic justice, don't you think?!
Anyway, be wary of strange little men with toothbrush mustaches, and Auf Wiedersehen for now, Tovarich Doug--
The Not-Ready-for-Slave-Time GD/GP Janet