Penny, I am sorry but it is not a mix-up of some sort. It indeed did happen. And experiments were performed on some of the corpses a la sovietique.
Have you been granted access to the private diaries still existing in Paris of some of the old Petersburg families?
Do you have an introduction to the great name families that attend the rue Daru? Have you consulted any archives that may be held at the rue Daru?
Have you been granted access to those 5 members or so of the great name families that attend that Russian Church in Geneva, the Cantacuzene-Speranskiis among others?
Have you thorougly interviewed the members of the Russian Nobility Society in New York to see if they can provide you with access to private family memoirs?
Have you contacted and interviewed the nobles who are members of the Soioz Rucckoe Dvorianstov in Moscow as per the above?
Have you consulted their archives? Do you wish me to put you in contact with Prince Galitzine who heads it?
Have you read through all the back articles in the La Pensee Russe (Ruckaya Miscil) since 1948 on this subject, a newspaper which was controlled for many years by the Tolstoy family in the Emigration and did not publish things lightly, and which articles may provide you with cross-references to other materials with which you were not familiar?
Have you interviewed the various Bishops and Archbishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad on this subject and have you asked them to open their archives to you and to share their vast amount of private knowledge?
Have you, and this is of primordial importance, sollicited and been granted an interview with His Holiness, the Patriarch of Moscow and of All the Russias, Alexis II, who in his previous charge as Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladgo, had an intimate knowledge of all of this?
Have you sollicited, and been granted, an interview with the Grand Duchess Maria Vladirimovna on this subject, and asked Her assistance in having any family archives opened to you that may not have been opened?
Have you contacted Professor Nicolas Ossorgin at the Institut St-Serge in Paris, or any of his cohorts, all of whose families come from St. Petersburg, and questioned them and asked them if they had any archives on this subject and if not, could they assist you and would they be kind enough to open them for you?
Let me know if I may be of any kind assistance to you here.