i have a huge doubt about that last picture of "Mathilde"
Well...i know both sister looked alike a lot, but, well...Im still not 100% convinced that image is Mathilde. Why?
Cause the girl of the first image looks like twin of this one, Maria Theresa with her fiance, Phillip von Wurttemberg

Now, this one from the same photoshoot of the `picture posted above for KAiserin A

A beautiful image of Maria Theresa in early 1870s (3 years after Mathilde`s death)

Maria Theresa as an old woman

Could it be this one Mathilde?
Well...if it really is Maria Theresa, not Mathilde, it wouldnt be the first time that thr ONB mislabel images. Remember that one of a common lady with two toddlers tagged "Maria Annunziata with Otto Franz and franz Ferdinand".