Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

What kind of student?

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How did Tatiana do in school? Was she smart like Olga. Average like Maria. Smart but lazy like Anastasia.  ???

Tatiana was clever but really just dutiful.  She was a good student but not a spectacular one; she didn't put all that much effort into her work but got it done.  Generally unlike Maria and Anastasia she didn't have any major grammar/spelling issues once she was older (Hikaru posted in some other thread that she and Olga's written Russian was perfect, no errors, etc).


--- Quote ---Generally unlike Maria and Anastasia she didn't have any major grammar/spelling issues once she was older (Hikaru posted in some other thread that she and Olga's written Russian was perfect, no errors, etc).
--- End quote ---

 I'm quite surprised at the fact that any of them managed to write properly, since their mother had terrible grammar and spelling and almost always wrote in shorthand.  :P ::)

I did'nt know Maria had spelling problems. I've read that the way they (OTMA) talked was childish because they did'nt get out. Even Olga.

Maybe their topics of converstaion weren't as 'sophisticated' or 'grown-up' and 'worldly' as society ladies and others might have expected of them. I know we don't speak as we write, but Olga's 1916 diary doesn't sound like that of an immature adult.


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