On the item above, what do you think about the bombs discovered that led to the execution of Nagorny and Sednev? I've read speculation this was a setup just to get rid of able bodied males, out of the house before the execution. What gives this credence is I can't understand how they could have obatianed the material for these bombs. Your opinion?
I find it puzzling as well. NAM's and OTAA's belongings were searched a number of times upon their arrival in Ekaterinburg. Nagorny and Trupp were searched and questioned for nearly two hours before they were permitted to enter the IF's living quarters. The bombs were army bombs, marked and numbered, so they were not homemade, and as such would have been smuggled in whole. I'm not sure how thorough the Bolsheviks' searches of the Romanovs' luggage were, and whether it would have been possible for Nagorny & Sednev to get so many bombs into the Ipatiev House undetected.
Although the discovery of the bombs is noted in the Ipatiev guard duty book, that doesn't rule out the possibility that it was a ruse, deliberately entered into the official record.
I find the chronology interesting as well:
10/23 May -- OTAA arrive in Ekaterinburg
11/24 May -- Nagorny & Trupp permitted to enter (after submitting to search & questioning)
14/27 May -- Nagorny & Sednev removed without explanation, they spend the night in the city prison
19 May/1 June -- 8 bombs discovered by Kharitonov in wardrobe shared by Nagorny & Sednev; N&S are shot that evening
So if the story of the bombs is true, it can only explain Nagorny & Sednev's execution, not their arrest. Personally, I tend to agree with King & Wilson's conclusion on this matter: N&S were probably arrested simply because they were the youngest and most able-bodied members remaining on the tsar's staff. To a certain degree, it's more puzzling that Nagorny & Sednev were ever let INTO the Ipatiev house at all. From the moment the Romanovs arrived in Ekaterinburg, the Bolsheviks began filtering out the most able-bodied males from the IF's retinue: Tatishchev and Dulgoruky were never admitted into the IH with NAM, for example....