Dear Bear:
I couldn't send you the big pot of honey promised, so I would tell you a little about Suzana/Alexandra De Graaf. I read her story in James Blair Lovell book...and I laughed a big deal after I finished it.
Alexandra De Graaf was a Dutch woman who claimed to be the 5th. Nicholas and Alexandra's daughter. She always assured to be born in 1903, before Alexei, when the Tsaritsa had an hysterical pregnancy or a miscarriage . This Dutch woman said Alexandra didn't had any miscarriage: she was born, and when the doctors saw she was a girl, she was "robbed" by Philippe Vachot, for he has predicted that Tsaritsa's last baby would be a boy. She was given to a Dutch man and was raised in the Netherlands. She had some objects from Russia that she showed to everybody, and she claimed to have visited the Tsar and Olga Nicoleivna when they were travelling in Vienna. (But there is no record available to demostrate that the Tsar made this trip). Suzana De Graaf claimed to be the lost 5th daughter only in the 50's. She visited Anna Anderson at Unterlenghenhard, and she believed she was her sister. They wrote to each other for years.
Anna Anderson believed in her claim, but not all her supporters did. Dominique Auclères, the lady who supported AA for years in her famous articles to "Le Figaro" (she was a very serious jounralist, very respected in France) wrote an article to said that this Dutch woman claim was a fraud. Perhaps AA needed someone who she could feel as her "family"...I mean a little affection.
Suzana De Graaf who was a chyromantic, died from a heart attack in November,25 of 1968. She was convertized to Catholicism .
Blair Lovell travelled to the Netherlands to interview Suzana's family, and to know if they really believed her claims. Her relatives didn't know who Suzana really was, and seemed to have their serious doubts about it. Lovell who seemed to believe absolutely ALL that AA uttered to amuse herself and fool other people, saw in one of the Suzana De Graaf daughter's, Jeannette and was shoked for he found she was very similar in features to Alexandra Feodorovna. Blair Lovell's also includes a pic of Mrs. De Graaf, who, she believes, is very similar to Tatiana Nicolaievna. Yes...I can also see the ressemblance, but the pic is very blurred and she could have been anyone.(If you want, I may send it to you to post it here)
The story is too far fetched to believe in it. ..And Lovell devoted all the last part of her book to this claimant...He even travelled right to Doorn (she lived there) TO INTERVIEW MR.Van Weelden, Alexandra De Graaf's son. Poor Jimmy! After reading his "De Graaf Story" I felt sorry for him.

P.S:The putative Mrs. De Graaf father's, was Leendert Johannes Hemmes, who was an "urine observer"

, a kind of chyromantic skill that allow people to "read" what kind of diesease a person had, observing the urine of the patient. After in life, Suzana married a man nammed Anton Von Weelden, and after it, she divorced and married Jan Barend De Graaf.