Author Topic: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?  (Read 148284 times)

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #165 on: May 21, 2008, 11:06:14 AM »
Eye of the beholher, I suppose, and people tend to see what they want to see, not neccessarly what is there. I  personally do not think she would bear any likenss at all. Remember, there are no live photographs of MA, only idealiised paintings and the sketch by David.

Offline trentk80

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #166 on: May 21, 2008, 11:48:19 AM »
I know it, Robert. I was just being sarcastic.  ;)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 11:57:09 AM by trentk80 »
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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #167 on: May 21, 2008, 02:09:14 PM »
I-O, it might be hard to know if that is just a legend or true.  MA, like most court ladies of the era, powdered her hair white long before imprisionment. Only her hairdresser knew for sure, so to speak.
I gathered that, Terrence, just joining in...

Offline Carol Jean

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #168 on: April 26, 2009, 12:53:29 PM »
I have not posted on this for a long time, but wanted others to know that I published a book on my belief that my ancestor was the lost King of France and then found a Genetic Genealogist that would compare DNA testing that was done on my brother (who is a direct male descendant of
the little boy that was a stow-a-way on the boat in 1792-1793). DNA has established that the little boy took someone else's surname when he arrived
in the U.S. and that our surname really was not the name that he and all his male descendants went by. I am still working on the DNA trying now to find a descendant of King Louis XIV to compare DNA.

Offline prinzheinelgirl

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #169 on: April 26, 2009, 08:54:04 PM »
I have gone through this thread just now. I  would be very much interested in any concrete documentary proof that Louis Charles  indeed was smuggled out and survived...... surely there must be some if this was true? And how was it made possible and by whom?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 08:56:29 PM by prinzheinelgirl »
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Offline Carol Jean

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #170 on: April 27, 2009, 07:18:39 AM »
Hi, I don't think that any one would be able to find any document stating that Louis Charles was smuggled out of the prison. Remember that they wanted to get rid of the Royal Family. But I read in Deborah Cadbury's book that a Mrs. Simon who was the wife of the man who was brutilizing little Louis Charles said that Louis Charles was smuggled out in a laundry basket. I have read in another book that even on her dying bed that she still held to this story. No one seems to have believed her. Since writting my book I found a genetic genealogist and sent him a copy of my book. I had my brothers DNA (who is a direct male descendant) tested and then had the comparison done against our Surname. According to the genetic genealogist we have been going by a Surname that was not our Surname. There was no matches. So now I am working to find a descendant of King Louis XVI
to compare DNA. The genetic geneaologist has told me that as of now my theory is alive and well.

Offline Eddie_uk

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #171 on: April 27, 2009, 09:03:40 AM »
Welcome back Carol! Please please would you post those photos of your family members where you thought there was a resemblance to Marie Antoinette! It was hilarious!
Thanks in advance :)
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Offline Carol Jean

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #172 on: April 27, 2009, 09:54:22 AM »
If you think it is hilarious, then why should I post any pictures? If I get done what I want to accomplish by the DNA then I won't have to prove anything more.

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #173 on: April 27, 2009, 12:03:25 PM »
Sorry I ment no disrespect Carol Jean & was not laughing at your expense, please don't be spoil sport. I did just find it very amusing at the time & I could do with a laugh today! Am flat hunting - very dull!!!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 12:05:54 PM by Eddie_uk »
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Offline Carol Jean

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #174 on: April 27, 2009, 04:11:23 PM »
I am sorry if I took you wrong but I have had a lot of people say negative things about my theory. All I can say is that DNA testing has proved half of my theory and I am working on the other half to prove it also. As for the pictures, they are in my book and if any one really cares to see for themselves then they can order a book and look at what I have put together. Of course if DNA proves my theory then I will add to my book. I have done extensive work tracing my family tree for fifty years of my life and I do not jump to conclusions as I am a person who wants and desires proof.

Offline prinzheinelgirl

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #175 on: April 28, 2009, 03:03:18 AM »
Hi, I don't think that any one would be able to find any document stating that Louis Charles was smuggled out of the prison. Remember that they wanted to get rid of the Royal Family. But I read in Deborah Cadbury's book that a Mrs. Simon who was the wife of the man who was brutilizing little Louis Charles said that Louis Charles was smuggled out in a laundry basket. I have read in another book that even on her dying bed that she still held to this story. No one seems to have believed her. Since writting my book I found a genetic genealogist and sent him a copy of my book. I had my brothers DNA (who is a direct male descendant) tested and then had the comparison done against our Surname. According to the genetic genealogist we have been going by a Surname that was not our Surname. There was no matches. So now I am working to find a descendant of King Louis XVI to compare DNA. The genetic geneaologist has told me that as of now my theory is alive and well.

Thank you, Carol Jean!  Is there any website link to your book?  I'm very much interested in Marie Antoinette and her family, hence my interest on your posts.  Good luck on determing that DNA thing. :)
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Offline Carol Jean

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #176 on: June 20, 2009, 06:30:20 PM »
Hi, Get the book from your library written by Deborah Cadbury and read in it about Mrs. Simon. She held to her story even on her death bed that little Louis Charles was smuggled out in a laundry basket. Any one who is about to die is not so likely to be telling a lie. Yet, no one believed her. I believe that she was motherly to little Louis Charles and may have even helped him escape.

Philippe Delorme

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #177 on: June 22, 2009, 11:46:32 AM »
Poor little Louis XVII - the ill-fated son of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI - was forcibly taken from his mother and sister after his father's execution and given to one of the jailers where he was brainwashed into saying at his mother's trial that she was incestuously involved with him!  I simply cannot imagine her anguish at seeing him and hearing the obscenities he was uttering.  

Then after her execution - he passes into the pages of history -- most people believing he died of abuse and neglect in the Tower - but many people came forward later claiming to be this same boy.
Echoes of GD Anastasia!   :-/

What is everyone's opinion on this?  How do you think he died?  

Janet R.

Yes, Louis XVII died in the Temple tower :

Philippe DELORME

Offline Carol Jean

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #178 on: August 21, 2009, 07:04:01 PM »
Does anyone know of a direct male line descendant of King Louis the XIV? I would like to get this descendant to have a DNA test done on himself and post the results on Framily tree DNA or Ancestry.Com DNA. Or if on of the historians have access to King Louis XVI's DNA and could do this I would like to see the DNA of this Royal line made available on one or both of these sites. If by any chance that their DNA would match up with a direct male line from the little boy that came over on a boat as a stow-a-way and told his children that he was of the Royalty of France and that his parents were beheaded at the time of the French Revolution I think that  it would prove  Louis Charles did escape from the prison and did make it to America and does have decendants living there now and several male direct line descendants at that!  I have written a book on my belief and now I am trying to find the proof that I need to prove my theory. I had my brother's DNA tested and have compared it to other's with the surname that the little boy from France took after he arrived in the U.S. and my brothers DNA does not match up with any one with that Surname or any variation of it.
The Genetic Genealogist has told me to pursue the direct male lines of the Kings of France. So now I am tyring to find someone that would be willing to help. It would either prove my theory right or would prove my theory wrong.  Thanks for any help.

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Re: Louis XVII - Did he die in the Tower?
« Reply #179 on: September 21, 2009, 06:28:04 PM »
But why was he considered as this way? Certainly that he never governed his nation, he died
too young. Why to count him in the dinasty?