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Hi, I don't think that any one would be able to find any document stating that Louis Charles was smuggled out of the prison. Remember that they wanted to get rid of the Royal Family. But I read in Deborah Cadbury's book that a Mrs. Simon who was the wife of the man who was brutilizing little Louis Charles said that Louis Charles was smuggled out in a laundry basket. I have read in another book that even on her dying bed that she still held to this story. No one seems to have believed her. Since writting my book I found a genetic genealogist and sent him a copy of my book. I had my brothers DNA (who is a direct male descendant) tested and then had the comparison done against our Surname. According to the genetic genealogist we have been going by a Surname that was not our Surname. There was no matches. So now I am working to find a descendant of King Louis XVI to compare DNA. The genetic geneaologist has told me that as of now my theory is alive and well.
Poor little Louis XVII - the ill-fated son of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI - was forcibly taken from his mother and sister after his father's execution and given to one of the jailers where he was brainwashed into saying at his mother's trial that she was incestuously involved with him! I simply cannot imagine her anguish at seeing him and hearing the obscenities he was uttering. Then after her execution - he passes into the pages of history -- most people believing he died of abuse and neglect in the Tower - but many people came forward later claiming to be this same boy.Echoes of GD Anastasia! :-/What is everyone's opinion on this? How do you think he died? Janet R.